ユーザー アクションごとの毎日のカウントと、日別およびアクションごとのさまざまなユーザー アクション レイテンシ パーセンタイルを記録するための非常に単純な Sqlite スキーマがあります。
create table user_actions (
id integer primary key,
name text not null
create table action_date_count (
action_id integer not null
references user_actions(id) on delete restrict on update restrict,
date integer not null,
count integer not null,
unique (action_id, date) on conflict fail
create table latency_percentiles (
action_id integer not null
references user_actions(id) on delete restrict on update restrict,
date integer not null,
percentile integer not null,
value real not null,
unique (action_id, date, percentile) on conflict fail
ここでは、すべての日付が毎日の真夜中の Unix タイムスタンプとして保存されます (役に立ったら変更できます)。
ここで私が苦労しているクエリがあります: 先週の平均ボリュームで降順にソートされたアクションを表示し、50%、90%、95% レベルの平均レイテンシ パーセンタイルを含めます。私は、プランを説明するために 17 のステップを必要とする巨大なクエリを思いつきましたが、かなり遅いです。誰でも改善できますか?
select ua.id, ua.name, ac.avg_count, al50.avg_lat_50, al90.avg_lat_90, al95.avg_lat_95
user_actions as ua,
select adc.action_id as action_id, avg(adc.count) as avg_count
action_date_count as adc,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(adc.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as ac,
select lp.action_id as action_id, avg(lp.value) as avg_lat_50
latency_percentiles as lp,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
lp.percentile = 50 and
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(lp.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as al50,
select lp.action_id as action_id, avg(lp.value) as avg_lat_90
latency_percentiles as lp,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
lp.percentile = 90 and
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(lp.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as al90,
select lp.action_id as action_id, avg(lp.value) as avg_lat_95
latency_percentiles as lp,
(select max(date) as max_date from action_date_count) as md
lp.percentile = 95 and
julianday(md.max_date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') - julianday(lp.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') between 1 and 7
group by action_id
) as al95
where ua.id = ac.action_id and ua.id = al50.action_id and ua.id = al90.action_id and ua.id = al95.action_id
order by ac.avg_count desc;