# read data from file into list
with open(filename, "r") as f:
for line in f:
# # you can exclude separator here with such code (uncomment) (1)
# # be careful one zero more, one zero less and it wouldn work
# if line == '-1 -1 0.00000000000':
# continue
# a simpler version
with open(filename, "r") as f:
# # you can exclude separator here with such code (uncomment, replace) (2)
# parsed = [line.split() for line in f if line != '-1 -1 0.00000000000']
parsed = [line.split() for line in f]
# at this point 'parsed' is a list of lists of strings.
# [['1'],['6'],['0.714285714286'],['0', '0', '1.00000000000'],['0', '1', '0.61356352337'] .. ]
# ALT 1 -------------------------------
# we do know the len of each data block
# get the first 3 lines:
head = parsed[:3]
# get the body:
body = parsed[3:-2]
# get the last 2 lines:
tail = parsed[-2:]
# now you can do anything you want with your data
# but remember to convert str to int or float
# first3 as unique:
unique0 = int(head[0][0])
unique1 = int(head[1][0])
unique2 = float(head[2][0])
# cast body:
# check each item of body has 3 inner items
is_correct = all(map(lambda item: len(item)==3, body))
# parse str and cast
if is_correct:
for i, j, v in body:
# # you can exclude separator here (uncomment) (3)
# # * 1. is the same as float(1)
# if (i,j,v) == (0,0,1.):
# # here we skip iteration for line w/ '-1 -1 0.0...'
# # but you can place another code that will be executed
# # at the point where block-termination lines appear
# continue
some_body_cast_function(int(i), int(j), float(v))
raise Exception('incorrect body')
# cast tail
# check each item of body has 5 inner items
is_correct = all(map(lambda item: len(item)==5, tail))
# parse str and cast
if is_correct:
for i, j, k, m, v in body: # 'l' is bad index, because similar to 1.
some_tail_cast_function(int(i), int(j), int(k), int(m), float(v))
raise Exception('incorrect tail')
# ALT 2 -----------------------------------
# we do NOT know the len of each data block
# maybe we have some array?
array = dict() # your array may be other type
v1,v2,v2 = parsed[:3]
unique0 = int(v1[0])
unique1 = int(v2[0])
unique2 = float(v3[0])
for item in parsed[3:]:
if len(item) == 3:
i,j,v = item
i = int(i)
j = int(j)
v = float(v)
# # yo can exclude separator here (uncomment) (4)
# # * 1. is the same as float(1)
# # logic is the same as in 3rd variant
# if (i,j,v) == (0,0,1.):
# continue
# do your stuff
# for example,
elif len(item) ==5:
i, j, k, m, v = item
i = int(i)
j = int(j)
k = int(k)
m = int(m)
v = float(v)
# do your stuff
raise Exception('unsupported') # or, maybe just 'pass'