アセンブリ プログラミングについての深い知識はありません。
次のコードをPure CからAssembly languageに翻訳しようとしています。
int i,j,temp;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
temp = global_array[i];
for ( j = i-1 ; j >= 0 ; j-- )
if ( global_array[j] <= temp ) break; //if first value is bigger than the second value
global_array[j+1] = global_array[j];
純粋な C 言語からアセンブリ言語にどれだけうまく翻訳できたか確認してください。
.globl _Sort
//.type AtoI,@function
//Declaration of variables
.comm _global_array,40 //this is an array of integers
.comm _temp,4 //this is the variable temp
.comm _i,4 //used for loop
.comm _j,4 //used for loop
pushl %ebp
pushl %ebx
movl %esp, %ebp //move the special ptr to base ptr
subl $8, %esp //allocate space for the variables local_var and temp_var
pushl %esi //index register
pushl %edi //index register
/*put code here*/
//for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
//first for loop
movl $0, _i //index i = 0
movl _i, %eax
movl _i, %esi //move i into index register
cmp $10, %eax //if i is less than or equal 9, continue this loop
jge return
movl _global_array, %ebx
movl (%ebx,%esi,4), _%ecx
movl %ecx, _temp //temp = global_array[i]
movl _i, %eax //i-1
subl $1, %eax
movl %eax, _j //move j into index register
jmp ForTwo //jump to second for loop
movl _j, %eax
cmp $0, %eax //j >= 0
jl ForOneFn //get out of 2nd loop to end of 1st loop
movl _global_array, %ebx
cmp _temp, (%ebx,%edi,4) //if ( global_array[j] <= temp ) break;
jle ForOneFn //jump to end of first loop after break
movl (%ebx,%edi,4),%ecx
addl $1,%eax //j+1
movl _j, %edi //move j into index register
movl _global_array, %ebx
movl %ecx, (%ebx,%edi,4) //global_array[j+1] = global_array[j];
//last line of code is jump to reloop/finish 2nd loop
jmp ForTwoFn
subl $1, _j
jmp ForTwo
addl $1, _i
jmp ForOne
movl %ebp,%esp
popl %ebx
popl %ebp