これは kruskals サイクル チェッカー用なので、それよりも少し複雑ですが、それがこのエラーの基本です。いくつかの手動の system.out デバッグを追加し、最も奇妙なことを教えてくれました。たとえば、これはそのベースです。 label1 と label1 を比較しますが、1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 に対して繰り返されます
private static ArrayList<Graph> caseForConnection(
Connection consideredConnection, ArrayList<Graph> subTrees)
throws Exception {
ArrayList<Graph> ret = new ArrayList<Graph>();
System.out.println("Considering connection " +consideredConnection.getSaveDetails()[1] +consideredConnection.getSaveDetails()[2] + " "+consideredConnection.getSaveDetails()[3]);
String label1 = consideredConnection.getNode(1).getLabel();
String label2 = consideredConnection.getNode(2).getLabel();
for (Graph x : subTrees) {
for (Connection c : x.getConnectionList()) {
System.out.println("Comparing to connection "+ c.getSaveDetails()[1] +c.getSaveDetails()[2] +" " +c.getSaveDetails()[3]);
if (c.getNode(1)
.equalsIgnoreCase(label1)) {
if (ret.contains(x)) {
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(1)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label1+ " And this is twice"));
throw new Exception("Cycle Found");
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(1)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label1));
} else if (c
.equalsIgnoreCase(label2)) {
if (ret.contains(x)) {
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(1)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label1+ " And this is twice"));
throw new Exception("Cycle Found");
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(1)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label2));
if (c.getNode(2)
.equalsIgnoreCase(label1)) {
if (ret.contains(x)) {
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(1)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label1+ " And this is twice"));
throw new Exception("Cycle Found");
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(2)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label1));
} else if (c
.equalsIgnoreCase(label2)) {
if (ret.contains(x)) {
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(1)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label1+ " And this is twice"));
throw new Exception("Cycle Found");
System.out.print(("Found " + c.getNode(2)
.getLabel() +" is the same as " + label2));
return ret;
Found C は B と同じです Found D は A と同じです
接続 AC BC BD AD CG BF GF CF を通過すると、label1 は a になり、最初のラベルは 2 c になります。これはこれら 2 つのみで発生し、もちろん無効な結果をもたらします。