1GB/s 専用、4GB RAM、4CPU の専用サーバーがあります。ダウンロード用の静的ファイルがあります (300mb から 900mb)。私は Apache、Nginx、Lighttpd でテストしていました。

Apacheはあまりにも多くの脅威を生み出し、200回の接続後は非常に高くなるため、ApacheはNO GOです...

100回の接続後のNginxは非常に高くなるため、どちらもNO GOです。

これまでの Lighttpd は、シングル スレッド サーバーとして非常に優れています。500 の同時接続では、負荷は 0.90 ~ 1.10 (非常に良好) にとどまりますが、ダウンロード速度の問題に直面しています。1GBps の専用ポートがある場合でも遅くなります。 250000 KB/秒。apache と nginx を使用すると、サーバーのアップストリームで 700000 KB/秒になることがありました。構成で sendfile と writev を切り替えましたが、同じ結果が得られました。

私はphpやfast-cgiを使用していません。たとえば、 http ://www.myserver.com/file.zipなどのファイルに直接ダウンロードすると、ファイルがダウンロードされます。


カーネル 2.6


# lighttpd configuration file
# use it as a base for lighttpd 1.0.0 and above
# $Id: lighttpd.conf,v 1.7 2004/11/03 22:26:05 weigon Exp $

############ Options you really have to take care of ####################

## modules to load
# at least mod_access and mod_accesslog should be loaded
# all other module should only be loaded if really neccesary
# - saves some time
# - saves memory
server.modules              = (
#                               "mod_rewrite",
#                               "mod_redirect",
#                               "mod_alias",
#                               "mod_cml",
#                               "mod_trigger_b4_dl",
#                               "mod_auth",
#                               "mod_status",
#                               "mod_setenv",
#                               "mod_proxy_core",
#                               "mod_proxy_backend_http",
#                               "mod_proxy_backend_fastcgi",
#                               "mod_proxy_backend_scgi",
#                               "mod_proxy_backend_ajp13",
#                               "mod_simple_vhost",
#                               "mod_evhost",
#                               "mod_userdir",
#                               "mod_cgi",
#                               "mod_compress",
#                               "mod_ssi",
#                               "mod_usertrack",
#                               "mod_expire",
#                               "mod_secdownload",
#                               "mod_rrdtool",
                                "mod_accesslog" )

## a static document-root, for virtual-hosting take look at the
## server.virtual-* options
server.document-root        = "/usr/share/nginx/html/"

## where to send error-messages to
server.errorlog             = "/www/logs/lighttpd.error.log"

# files to check for if .../ is requested
index-file.names            = ( "index.php", "index.html",
                                "index.htm", "default.htm" )

## set the event-handler (read the performance section in the manual)
# server.event-handler = "freebsd-kqueue" # needed on OS X

server.event-handler = "linux-sysepoll"
#server.network-backend = "linux-sendfile"
server.network-backend = "writev"

# mimetype mapping
mimetype.assign             = (
  ".pdf"          =>      "application/pdf",
  ".sig"          =>      "application/pgp-signature",
  ".spl"          =>      "application/futuresplash",
  ".class"        =>      "application/octet-stream",
  ".ps"           =>      "application/postscript",
  ".torrent"      =>      "application/x-bittorrent",
  ".dvi"          =>      "application/x-dvi",
  ".gz"           =>      "application/x-gzip",
  ".pac"          =>      "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig",
  ".swf"          =>      "application/x-shockwave-flash",
  ".tar.gz"       =>      "application/x-tgz",
  ".tgz"          =>      "application/x-tgz",
  ".tar"          =>      "application/x-tar",
  ".zip"          =>      "application/zip",
  ".mp3"          =>      "audio/mpeg",
  ".m3u"          =>      "audio/x-mpegurl",
  ".wma"          =>      "audio/x-ms-wma",
  ".wax"          =>      "audio/x-ms-wax",
  ".ogg"          =>      "application/ogg",
  ".wav"          =>      "audio/x-wav",
  ".gif"          =>      "image/gif",
  ".jpg"          =>      "image/jpeg",
  ".jpeg"         =>      "image/jpeg",
  ".png"          =>      "image/png",
  ".xbm"          =>      "image/x-xbitmap",
  ".xpm"          =>      "image/x-xpixmap",
  ".xwd"          =>      "image/x-xwindowdump",
  ".css"          =>      "text/css",
  ".html"         =>      "text/html",
  ".htm"          =>      "text/html",
  ".js"           =>      "text/javascript",
  ".asc"          =>      "text/plain",
  ".c"            =>      "text/plain",
  ".cpp"          =>      "text/plain",
  ".log"          =>      "text/plain",
  ".conf"         =>      "text/plain",
  ".text"         =>      "text/plain",
  ".txt"          =>      "text/plain",
  ".dtd"          =>      "text/xml",
  ".xml"          =>      "text/xml",
  ".mpeg"         =>      "video/mpeg",
  ".mpg"          =>      "video/mpeg",
  ".mov"          =>      "video/quicktime",
  ".qt"           =>      "video/quicktime",
  ".avi"          =>      "video/x-msvideo",
  ".asf"          =>      "video/x-ms-asf",
  ".asx"          =>      "video/x-ms-asf",
  ".wmv"          =>      "video/x-ms-wmv",
  ".bz2"          =>      "application/x-bzip",
  ".tbz"          =>      "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar",
  ".tar.bz2"      =>      "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar"

# Use the "Content-Type" extended attribute to obtain mime type if possible
#mimetype.use-xattr        = "enable"

## send a different Server: header
## be nice and keep it at lighttpd
# server.tag                 = "lighttpd"

#### accesslog module
accesslog.filename          = "/www/logs/access.log"

## deny access the file-extensions
# ~    is for backupfiles from vi, emacs, joe, ...
# .inc is often used for code includes which should in general not be part
#      of the document-root
url.access-deny             = ( "~", ".inc" )

$HTTP["url"] =~ "\.pdf$" {
  server.range-requests = "disable"

# which extensions should not be handle via static-file transfer
# .php, .pl, .fcgi are most often handled by mod_fastcgi or mod_cgi
static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".php", ".pl", ".fcgi" )

######### Options that are good to be but not neccesary to be changed #######

## bind to port (default: 80)
#server.port                = 81

## bind to localhost (default: all interfaces)
#server.bind                = "grisu.home.kneschke.de"

## error-handler for status 404
#server.error-handler-404   = "/error-handler.html"
#server.error-handler-404   = "/error-handler.php"

## to help the rc.scripts
#server.pid-file            = "/var/run/lighttpd.pid"

###### virtual hosts
##  If you want name-based virtual hosting add the next three settings and load
##  mod_simple_vhost
## document-root =
##   virtual-server-root + virtual-server-default-host + virtual-server-docroot
## or
##   virtual-server-root + http-host + virtual-server-docroot
#simple-vhost.server-root   = "/home/weigon/wwwroot/servers/"
#simple-vhost.default-host  = "grisu.home.kneschke.de"
#simple-vhost.document-root = "/pages/"

## Format: <errorfile-prefix><status-code>.html
## -> ..../status-404.html for 'File not found'
#server.errorfile-prefix    = "/home/weigon/projects/lighttpd/doc/status-"

## virtual directory listings
#dir-listing.activate       = "enable"

## enable debugging
#debug.log-request-header     = "enable"
#debug.log-response-header    = "enable"
#debug.log-request-handling   = "enable"
#debug.log-file-not-found     = "enable"
#debug.log-condition-handling = "enable"

### only root can use these options
# chroot() to directory (default: no chroot() )
#server.chroot              = "/"

## change uid to <uid> (default: don't care)
#server.username            = "wwwrun"

## change uid to <uid> (default: don't care)
#server.groupname           = "wwwrun"

#### compress module
#compress.cache-dir         = "/tmp/lighttpd/cache/compress/"
#compress.filetype          = ("text/plain", "text/html")

#### proxy module
## read proxy.txt for more info
#$HTTP["url"] =~ "\.php$" {
#   proxy-core.balancer = "round-robin"
#   proxy-core.allow-x-sendfile = "enable"
#   proxy-core.protocol = "http"
#   proxy-core.backends = ( "" )
#   proxy-core.max-pool-size = 16

#### fastcgi module
## read fastcgi.txt for more info
## for PHP don't forget to set cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 in the php.ini
#$HTTP["url"] =~ "\.php$" {
#   proxy-core.balancer = "round-robin"
#   proxy-core.allow-x-sendfile = "enable"
#   proxy-core.check-local = "enable"
#   proxy-core.protocol = "fastcgi"
#   proxy-core.backends = ( "unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.sock" )
#   proxy-core.max-pool-size = 16

#### CGI module
#cgi.assign                 = ( ".pl"  => "/usr/bin/perl",
#                               ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/perl" )

#### SSL engine
#ssl.engine                 = "enable"
#ssl.pemfile                = "server.pem"

#### status module
#status.status-url          = "/server-status"
#status.config-url          = "/server-config"

#### auth module
## read authentication.txt for more info
#auth.backend               = "plain"
#auth.backend.plain.userfile = "lighttpd.user"
#auth.backend.plain.groupfile = "lighttpd.group"

#auth.backend.ldap.hostname = "localhost"
#auth.backend.ldap.base-dn  = "dc=my-domain,dc=com"
#auth.backend.ldap.filter   = "(uid=$)"

#auth.require               = ( "/server-status" =>
#                               (
#                                 "method"  => "digest",
#                                 "realm"   => "download archiv",
#                                 "require" => "user=jan"
#                               ),
#                               "/server-config" =>
#                               (
#                                 "method"  => "digest",
#                                 "realm"   => "download archiv",
#                                 "require" => "valid-user"
#                               )
#                             )

#### url handling modules (rewrite, redirect, access)
#url.rewrite                = ( "^/$"             => "/server-status" )
#url.redirect               = ( "^/wishlist/(.+)" => "http://www.123.org/$1" )
#### both rewrite/redirect support back reference to regex conditional using %n
#$HTTP["host"] =~ "^www\.(.*)" {
#  url.redirect            = ( "^/(.*)" => "http://%1/$1" )

# define a pattern for the host url finding
# %% => % sign
# %0 => domain name + tld
# %1 => tld
# %2 => domain name without tld
# %3 => subdomain 1 name
# %4 => subdomain 2 name
#evhost.path-pattern        = "/home/storage/dev/www/%3/htdocs/"

#### expire module
#expire.url                 = ( "/buggy/" => "access 2 hours", "/asdhas/" => "access plus 1 seconds 2 minutes")

#### ssi
#ssi.extension              = ( ".shtml" )

#### rrdtool
#rrdtool.binary             = "/usr/bin/rrdtool"
#rrdtool.db-name            = "/var/www/lighttpd.rrd"

#### setenv
#setenv.add-request-header  = ( "TRAV_ENV" => "mysql://user@host/db" )
#setenv.add-response-header = ( "X-Secret-Message" => "42" )

## for mod_trigger_b4_dl
# trigger-before-download.gdbm-filename = "/home/weigon/testbase/trigger.db"
# trigger-before-download.memcache-hosts = ( "" )
# trigger-before-download.trigger-url = "^/trigger/"
# trigger-before-download.download-url = "^/download/"
# trigger-before-download.deny-url = ""
# trigger-before-download.trigger-timeout = 10

## for mod_cml
## don't forget to add index.cml to server.indexfiles
# cml.extension               = ".cml"
# cml.memcache-hosts          = ( "" )

#### variable usage:
## variable name without "." is auto prefixed by "var." and becomes "var.bar"
#bar = 1
#var.mystring = "foo"

## integer add
#bar += 1
## string concat, with integer cast as string, result: "www.foo1.com"
#server.name = "www." + mystring + var.bar + ".com"
## array merge
#index-file.names = (foo + ".php") + index-file.names
#index-file.names += (foo + ".php")

#### include
#include /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-inc.conf
## same as above if you run: "lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"
#include "lighttpd-inc.conf"

#### include_shell
#include_shell "echo var.a=1"
## the above is same as:


# Kernel sysctl configuration file for Red Hat Linux
# For binary values, 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled.  See sysctl(8) and
# sysctl.conf(5) for more details.

# Controls IP packet forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0

# Controls source route verification
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1

# Do not accept source routing
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0

# Controls the System Request debugging functionality of the kernel
kernel.sysrq = 0

# Controls whether core dumps will append the PID to the core filename
# Useful for debugging multi-threaded applications
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1

# Controls the use of TCP syncookies
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1

# Controls the maximum size of a message, in bytes
kernel.msgmnb = 65536

# Controls the default maxmimum size of a mesage queue
kernel.msgmax = 65536

# Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes
kernel.shmmax = 68719476736

# Controls the maximum number of shared memory segments, in pages
kernel.shmall = 4294967296

# These ensure that TIME_WAIT ports either get reused or closed fast.
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1

# TCP memory
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.rmem_default = 16777216
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 262144
net.core.somaxconn = 262144

net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 262144
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 262144
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 2

# For Large File Hosting Servers
net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
#net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 87380 524288
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 524288 16777216


top - 16:15:57 up 6 days, 19:30,  2 users,  load average: 1.05, 0.85, 0.83
Tasks: 143 total,   1 running, 142 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.6%us,  2.8%sy,  0.0%ni, 64.7%id, 30.8%wa,  0.0%hi,  1.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   3914664k total,  3729404k used,   185260k free,     1676k buffers
Swap:  8388600k total,     9984k used,  8378616k free,  3340832k cached

28590 root      20   0  518m  75m  71m D 13.1  2.0   1:12.24 lighttpd
28660 root      20   0 15016 1104  812 R  1.9  0.0   0:00.02 top
    1 root      20   0 19328  620  396 S  0.0  0.0   0:03.74 init
    2 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.02 kthreadd
    3 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.14 migration/0
    4 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.12 ksoftirqd/0
    5 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/0
    6 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 watchdog/0
    7 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.32 migration/1
    8 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/1
    9 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:01.96 ksoftirqd/1
   10 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.19 watchdog/1
   11 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:01.00 migration/2
   12 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/2
   13 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   5:04.44 ksoftirqd/2
   14 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.23 watchdog/2
   15 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.50 migration/3
   16 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/3
   17 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:01.84 ksoftirqd/3
   18 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 watchdog/3


Linux 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64 (zlin)  05/01/2012      _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           0.57    0.00    3.95   30.76    0.00   64.72

Device:            tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sda             109.58     38551.74       149.33 22695425748   87908220

netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l



247270.0 kbits/sec 



2 に答える 2


topと を見ると、ディスク I/O が問題のようiostatです。すべてのディスク キャッシュを使い果たしました。システムは、NIC からデータを送信する前に、ディスクからデータが読み込まれるのを待機しています。


server.network-backend = "linux-sendfile"


典型的な作業負荷をキャッシュするために必要なメモリ量を概算して計算できます (単純に、最も人気のある 100 個のファイルのサイズを合計するだけです)。あなたが持っている 4GB のメモリよりもはるかに多くなると思いますので、次にすべきことは、より高速なディスク ドライブまたはより多くのメモリを入手することです。

これが、人々がコンテンツ配信ネットワーク (CDN) を使用して大量の帯域幅 (多くの場合、大きなファイルの形で提供される) を配信する理由です。

于 2012-06-16T20:20:53.067 に答える


FTP:ファイル転送プロトコル。FTPは、任意のサイズのファイルを転送するために特別に設計されており、HTTPソフトウェアと同じ仮定をしていません。静的ダウンロードのみを行っている場合、WebページのHTMLはftp://リンクを使用して静的ファイルにリンクでき、匿名ダウンロードを許可するようにFTPサーバーを構成するのは通常簡単です。詳細については、FTPサーバーのドキュメントを確認してください。IE6 / FF2以降のブラウザーは基本的なFTPをネイティブにサポートしており、平均的なユーザーは通常と異なるワークフローを持ちません。FTPはHTTPよりずっと前に設計されており、Perryが述べたように、半分のギグファイルができるずっと前に、これはおそらく最善のアプローチではありません。



于 2012-05-05T03:09:19.157 に答える