私の質問は、Clojure のスレッド化マクロの 1 つを特定のケースで動作させるにはどうすればよいですか? ありがとうございました。
(IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from:
bene_csv.core$test_key_exclusion$fn__346 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (RT.java:487)
bene-csv.core=> (test-key-exclusion bene-data 1 gic-data 0 2 3)
このコードを考えると -- マクロをスレッド化せずに動作するソリューションはコメントアウトされています --
(defn ret-non-match-rows
"Expects a sequence of sequences, like what is returned from clojure-csv.
Returns nil if there's a match; else returns failing row."
[s-o-s cmp-col-idx inq-row-idx inq-row]
(let [inq-row inq-row]
(loop [[row & remain-seq] s-o-s pos 0]
(let [cmp-val (nth inq-row inq-row-idx nil)]
(not row) inq-row
(= cmp-val (nth row cmp-col-idx)) nil
:not-found (recur remain-seq (inc pos)))))))
(defn test-key-exclusion
"This function takes csv-data1 (the includees) and tests to see
if each includee is in csv-data2 (the includeds). This function
also gathers enough other data, so that excludees (those not found),
can be identified."
[csv-data1 pkey-idx1 csv-data2 pkey-idx2 lnam-idx fnam-idx]
(-> (map #(ret-non-match-rows csv-data2 pkey-idx2 pkey-idx1 %1) csv-data1)
(filter (complement nil?))
(map (fn [row]
(vector (nth row pkey-idx1 nil)
(nth row lnam-idx nil)
(nth row fnam-idx nil))))))
(map (fn [row]
(vector (nth row pkey-idx1 nil)
(nth row lnam-idx nil)
(nth row fnam-idx nil)))
(filter (complement nil?)
(map #(ret-non-match-rows csv-data2 pkey-idx2 pkey-idx1 %1) csv-data1)))
[["0123456789" "SMITHFIELD" "HAM"]["1123456789" "LITTLE" "CHICKEN"] ...]