Diane Poremskyは、リソース カレンダーからキャンセルされた予定を調べて削除するマクロを作成しました。
' A subroutine to remove cancelled appointments.
Sub RemoveCanceledAppointments()
'Form variables.
Dim OutLookResourceCalendar As Outlook.MAPIFolder, OutLookAppointmentItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem, IntegerCounter As Integer
'This sets the path to the resource calender.
Set OutLookResourceCalendar = OpenMAPIFolder("\MailboxName\Calendar")
For IntegerCounter = OutLookResourceCalendar.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
Set OutLookAppointmentItem = OutLookResourceCalendar.Items(IntegerCounter)
If Left(OutLookAppointmentItem.Subject, 9) = "Canceled:" Then
End If
Set OutLookAppointmentItem = Nothing
Set OutLookResourceCalendar = Nothing
End Sub
' A function for the folder path.
Function OpenMAPIFolder(FolderPathVar)
Dim SelectedApplication, FolderNameSpace, SelectedFolder, FolderDirectoryVar, i
Set SelectedFolder = Nothing
Set SelectedApplication = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
If Left(FolderPathVar, Len("\")) = "\" Then
FolderPathVar = Mid(FolderPathVar, Len("\") + 1)
Set SelectedFolder = SelectedApplication.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
End If
While FolderPathVar <> ""
' Backslash var.
i = InStr(FolderPathVar, "\")
'If a Backslash is present, acquire the directory path and the folder path...[i].
If i Then
FolderDirectoryVar = Left(FolderPathVar, i - 1)
FolderPathVar = Mid(FolderPathVar, i + Len("\"))
'[i] ...or set the path to nothing.
FolderDirectoryVar = FolderPathVar
FolderPathVar = ""
End If
' Retrieves the folder name space from the Outlook namespace, unless a folder exists... [ii].
If IsNothing(SelectedFolder) Then
Set FolderNameSpace = SelectedApplication.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set SelectedFolder = FolderNameSpace.Folders(FolderDirectoryVar)
' [ii] in which case the the existing folder namespace is used.
Set SelectedFolder = SelectedFolder.Folders(FolderDirectoryVar)
End If
Set OpenMAPIFolder = SelectedFolder
End Function
' A function to check too see if there is no set namespace for the folder path.
Function IsNothing(Obj)
If TypeName(Obj) = "Nothing" Then
IsNothing = True
IsNothing = False
End If
End Function
リソースカレンダーからキャンセルされた予定が削除されるかどうか教えてください -