




   case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
        NSLog(@"CASE LOG -- NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable");
        uint8_t buffer[256];
        int len;

        while ([inputStream hasBytesAvailable]) {
            //NSLog(@"LOG -- inputStream hasBytesAvailable");
            len = [inputStream read:buffer maxLength:sizeof(buffer)];
            if (len > 0) {

                NSLog(@"Length of inputStream Bytes -- %i",len);
                NSString *output = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:buffer length:len encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

                // This global boolean affects the rest of the apps functionality. Buttons are not able to send bytes to the hardware device if this boolean is FALSE.                    
                deviceIsConnected = true;

                // If buttons to send bytes are disabled due to lack of network connection on appLaunch, then go ahead and show them, allowing the user to send bytes to the hardware device
                if(buttonsAreDisabled == true)
                    [ self setButtonVisibility:true ];

                    // Reset the status of the "No Connection" Alert
                    connectionAlertShown = false;

                // Log the incoming data
                if (nil != output) {
                     NSLog(@"LOG -- device said: %@", output);

予想どおり、デバイスが接続されている間、「LOG --devicesayed:xxxx」の一定のストリームがあります。ただし、デバイスを電源から切断すると、どのような種類のストリームイベントも受信しません。ロギングは単にすべて一緒に停止します。




ある種のキープアライブハンドラーを実装したいのですが、iPhone / iOS/BSDソケットの経験が不足しているために深刻な障害になっています。素晴らしい個人の誰かが、ソケットが使用できなくなったことを検出して接続の再確立を試みることができる方法の基本的な例を提供できれば(タイマーで実行されている可能性があります、私はそこに正しい道を進んでいると思います!)、私は永遠に感謝するでしょう。私はグーグルを精力的に検索し、いくつかの有望なアイデアを見つけましたが、それらのどれもうまく実装することができませんでした。




2 に答える 2


My previously explained theory (see comments) has indeed worked. I am now able to successfully monitor the status of the device connectivity with the following logic (please understand that the following chunks of code exist throughout the application). I am able to determine the exact moment the device becomes unavailable; be it due to lack of WiFi connectivity, or the device losing power.

// Define two socket objects, a "Main" socket and "Observer" socket

asyncSocketMain = [[GCDAsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
dispatch_queue_t secondaryQueue = dispatch_get_current_queue();
asyncSocketObserver = [[GCDAsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self delegateQueue:secondaryQueue];

// On application launch, attempt to open asyncSocketMain
[asyncSocketMain connectToHost:host onPort:port withTimeout: 2.0 error:&error]

// Determine which socket object is connecting in the didConnectToHost method
- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)port
NSString *currentSocketId = (NSString *)sock;

// Determine Which Socket Object is Connecting...
if(currentSocketId == (NSString *)asyncSocketMain)
    NSLog(@"Main Socket has Connected!");
    connectionIsOpening = false;  // Allow for Future Reconnect Attempts
    deviceIsConnected   = true;   // Allow Connection Monitoring

    // If the Main Socket has been attempting to reconnect, stop doing that!
        [ reconnectTimer invalidate ]; // Stop the reconnectTimer
        reconnectTimer = nil;          // And also set its value to nil
    [ self setupMonitorTimer ];   // Begin Monitoring the Connection
    if(currentSocketId == (NSString *)asyncSocketObserver)
        NSLog(@"Observer Socket attempting connection! Socket: %@", sock);
} // close void

Now, when the observer socket attempts to connect, an error will be thrown. This is how I am able to determine current connectivity. The observer will always throw error code 7 if the asyncSocketMain socket is already connected. If asyncSocketObserver times out when attempting to connect, that means the device is either powered off, out of range, or otherwise unavailable (e.g. the users phone is not connected to the correct WiFi network). In this case, all "monitoring" should be halted, and a timer is started for asyncSocketMain to attempt reconnects.

- (void)socketDidDisconnect:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock withError:(NSError *)err

NSString *connectingSocket = (NSString *)sock;

// Figure out hte Error Code Info  
NSError * error;
error = err;
NSInteger errorNum = error.code;

if(connectingSocket == (NSString *)asyncSocketMain)
    // This may occur if the app is opened when the device is out of range
    NSLog(@"The MAIN SOCKET Encountered an Error while Connecting! [ CODE: %d ]", errorNum);
    [ asyncSocketMain disconnect ]; // Disconnect the Main Socket to allow for reconnects
    connectionIsOpening = false;    // Allow Main Connection Attempts
    deviceIsConnected = false;      // Device is NOT CONNECTED -- Do NOT RUN MONITORING
        NSLog(@"Starting the reconnectTimer");
        [ self setupReconnectTimer ];   // Start attempting to reconnect
        NSLog(@"Reconnect Timer is Already Running!");
if(connectingSocket == (NSString *)asyncSocketObserver)
    switch (errorNum)
        case 1:
            // Not much to do here...
            NSLog(@"OBSERVER ERROR - There is already a socket attempting to connect!");

        case 2:
            // Not much to do here...
            NSLog(@"OBSERVER ERROR - Event 2");

        case 3:
            // Time Out -- The device is out of range. Halt observer connection attempts, disconnect the main
            // socket object, then proceed to attempt to reconnect with the main socket.
            NSLog(@"OBSERVER ERROR - Connected Timed out -- Device not available!!!!");

            // The Observer Socket Timed out -- It's time to start reconnecting
            connectionIsOpening = false; // Allow Main Connection Attempts
            deviceIsConnected   = false; // Device is NOT CONNECTED - DO NOT RUN MONITORING and ALLOW CONNECTION ATTEMPTS
                // Stop trying to reconnect with the observer socket, thus allowing the Main socket to connect
                NSLog(@"Stopping the Monitoring Method...");
                [monitorTimer invalidate];
                monitorTimer = nil;
                NSLog(@"Connection Monitoring already halted!");

            // If the reconnectTimer is not running (it shouldnt be, otherwise something is wrong) then go ahead and run it
            // This will attempt to reconnect asyncSocketMain
                NSLog(@"Starting the reconnectTimer");
                [ asyncSocketMain disconnect ]; // Deallocate the main socket to allow for reconnects
                [ self setupReconnectTimer ];
                NSLog(@"Reconnection Attempts are already happening! [ reconnectTimer: %@ ]",reconnectTimer);


        case 7:
            NSLog(@"OBSERVER ERROR - The Main Socket is Already Connected!");
    NSLog(@"An Unknown Socket Connection Encountered and Error...");
} // end void

For reference, I write all data out on asyncSocketMain. The asyncSocketObserver object is always attempting to connect on a timer, whenever deviceIsConnected = TRUE.

This may not be the most graceful way of monitoring the connection, but it does indeed work. As soon as I disconnect power from my device, asyncSocketObserver times out, which then (as per code) halts all "connection monitoring" and beings a "reconnect" timer, which is then invalided as soon as connection is established.

Thank you again @rokjarc for your helpful knowledge and input, I hope the semi-pseudo code I have provided here (which does indeed function as intended!) aids some other developer, as this is something that I have struggled with a for at least a week!

于 2012-06-03T20:39:15.923 に答える





大きすぎる(> 5s)場合dataAgeは、接続(タイマーも)を破棄し、接続手順を最初からやり直します。




于 2012-06-02T19:03:10.783 に答える