これら 2 つの値は正しく格納されます。私はそれらを印刷することでこれを知っています (この印刷コードは現在コメントアウトされています)。しかし、base^exponent の答えを計算するループが間違った値を返しています。
#* The pow subroutine calculates powers of natural bases
#* and exponents.
#* Arguments:
#* base - the exponential base
#* exp - the exponent
#* Return value: 'base' raised to the power of 'exp'.
#int pow( int base, int exp )
# {
# int total = 1;
# while !(exp <= 0){
# total = total * base;
# exp = exp -1;
# }
# return total;
# }
EXP: .long
BASE: .long
TOTAL: .long
FSTR: .asciz "%d"
PSTR: .asciz "%d\n"
.global main
pushl %ebp # Prolog: push the base pointer.
movl %esp, %ebp # and copy stack pointer to EBP.
subl $4, %esp # Reserve stack space for variable
leal -4(%ebp), %eax # Load address of stack var in eax
pushl %eax # Push second argument of scanf
pushl $FSTR # Push first argument of scanf
call scanf # Call scanf
movl -4(%ebp), %eax # Move result of scanf from stack to eax
movl %ebp, %esp # Clear local variables from stack.
popl %ebp # Restore caller's base pointer.
ret # return from subroutine.
call inout
movl %eax, BASE
#pushl BASE
#pushl $PSTR
#call printf
call inout
movl %eax, EXP
#pushl EXP
#pushl $PSTR
#call printf
#subl $4, %esp
#leal -4(%ebp), %eax
#movl %eax, TOTAL
movl $1, TOTAL
cmpl $0, EXP
jle end
movl TOTAL, %eax
mull BASE
movl %eax, TOTAL
decl EXP
jmp loop
pushl %eax
pushl $PSTR
call printf
#addl $4, %esp #\
pushl $0 #- Clean up and exit
call exit #/