i am building a server application using eclipse , and the client is android application
when i used just Java application i can read arabic chars from mysql and can print it correctly to eclipse ,but on server application i can't , the results are question marks like this `?????`
i am trying to print the results on eclipse not on android
my connect to database is :
String unicode = "?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8";
con = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ams-competation" + unicode,
username, password);
don't care about android , i am asking how to read and print arabic chars on eclipse server application
seems like my problem is from the eclipse not from the connection because when i tried this System.out.println("روما");
, i got question marks
and when i tried to check that question marks with this statements
the results was dddd
, so i can read it correctly from mysql , but my problem on printing the results