You have to create a custom layout that places the image specifically where you want them relative to the size of the parent view. If you choose, you can override the LayoutParams
and apply custom attributes to them for your custom view to read.
Anyway, to specifically place an item, say 30% down from the top and 20% from the left, you would overwrite onLayout()
public void onLayout(boolean c, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(c, left, top, right, bottom);
int width = right - left;
int height = bottom - top;
View v = getTheChildView();
int viewL = left + (int)(width * .2f); // The left pixel is 20% down the total width of the parent view
int viewR = viewL + v.getWidth(); // The right pixel is the left pixel plus the measured width of the child view itself
int viewT = top + (int)(height * .3f); // The top pixel is 30% down the total height of the parent view
int viewB = top + v.getHeight(); // The bottom pixel is the top pixel plus the measured height of the child view itself
v.layout(viewL, viewT, viewR, viewB);