先週、先月、およびすべてのレコードを取得する必要があるクエリを作成する必要があります。この問題のために、私は 3 つの異なるクエリを作成しました (先週、先月、およびすべて)。
SELECT bu.brand_name AS 'Brand_Name',COUNT(s.unique) AS '# Item Sold',SUM(s.price) AS 'Total_Price'
FROM item_details s
LEFT JOIN sales_order o ON s.fk_sales_order = o.id_sales_order
LEFT JOIN customer_info AS c ON o.fk_customer_id = c.id_customer
LEFT JOIN simple_details cc ON s.unique = cc.unique
LEFT JOIN config_details cf ON cc.fk_config_id = cf.config_id
LEFT JOIN brand_details cb ON cf.fk_brand_id = cb.brand_id
LEFT JOIN category_details ctc ON cf.fk_category_id = ctc.category_id
LEFT JOIN gender_details g ON cf.fk_gender_id = g.gender_id
LEFT JOIN buyers AS bu ON bu.brand_name = cb.name AND bu.category_name = ctc.name AND bu.gender = g.name
WHERE bu.buyers = 'xyz' AND DATE_FORMAT(o.created_date,'%Y-%m-%d') >= @weekstartdate AND DATE_FORMAT(o.created_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <= @weekenddate
GROUP BY bu.brand_name
SELECT bu.brand_name AS 'Brand_Name',COUNT(s.unique) AS '# Item Sold',SUM(s.price) AS 'Total_Price'
FROM item_details s
LEFT JOIN sales_order o ON s.fk_sales_order = o.id_sales_order
LEFT JOIN customer_info AS c ON o.fk_customer_id = c.id_customer
LEFT JOIN simple_details cc ON s.unique = cc.unique
LEFT JOIN config_details cf ON cc.fk_config_id = cf.config_id
LEFT JOIN brand_details cb ON cf.fk_brand_id = cb.brand_id
LEFT JOIN category_details ctc ON cf.fk_category_id = ctc.category_id
LEFT JOIN gender_details g ON cf.fk_gender_id = g.gender_id
LEFT JOIN buyers AS bu ON bu.brand_name = cb.name AND bu.category_name = ctc.name AND bu.gender = g.name
WHERE bu.buyers = 'xyz' AND DATE_FORMAT(o.created_date,'%Y-%m-%d') >= @monthstartdate AND DATE_FORMAT(o.created_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <= @monthenddate
GROUP BY bu.brand_name
SELECT bu.brand_name AS 'Brand_Name',COUNT(s.unique) AS '# Item Sold',SUM(s.price) AS 'Total_Price'
FROM item_details s
LEFT JOIN sales_order o ON s.fk_sales_order = o.id_sales_order
LEFT JOIN customer_info AS c ON o.fk_customer_id = c.id_customer
LEFT JOIN simple_details cc ON s.unique = cc.unique
LEFT JOIN config_details cf ON cc.fk_config_id = cf.config_id
LEFT JOIN brand_details cb ON cf.fk_brand_id = cb.brand_id
LEFT JOIN category_details ctc ON cf.fk_category_id = ctc.category_id
LEFT JOIN gender_details g ON cf.fk_gender_id = g.gender_id
LEFT JOIN buyers AS bu ON bu.brand_name = cb.name AND bu.category_name = ctc.name AND bu.gender = g.name
WHERE bu.buyers = 'xyz'
GROUP BY bu.brand_name
これらは正常に機能しています(正しい出力が得られます)。しかし、問題は、これら 3 つのクエリを 1 つにマージする必要があることです。出力はブランド名、item_sold(week)、total_price(week)、item_sold(month)、total_price(month)、item_sold(all)、total_price(all) のようになります。