- (CATransform3D)rotationTransformForLocation:(CGPoint)location
CGFloat trackBallCurrentPoint[3] = {location.x - trackBallCenter.x, location.y - trackBallCenter.y, 0.0f};
if(fabs(trackBallCurrentPoint[0] - trackBallStartPoint[0]) < kTol && fabs(trackBallCurrentPoint[1] - trackBallStartPoint[1]) < kTol)
return CATransform3DIdentity;
CGFloat dist = trackBallCurrentPoint[0] * trackBallCurrentPoint[0] + trackBallCurrentPoint[1] * trackBallCurrentPoint[1];
if(dist > trackBallRadius * trackBallRadius)
// outside the center of the sphere so make it zero
trackBallCurrentPoint[2] = 0.0f;
trackBallCurrentPoint[2] = sqrt(trackBallRadius * trackBallRadius - dist);
// cross product yields the rotation vector
CGFloat rotationVector[3];
rotationVector[0] = trackBallStartPoint[1] * trackBallCurrentPoint[2] - trackBallStartPoint[2] * trackBallCurrentPoint[1];
rotationVector[1] = -trackBallStartPoint[0] * trackBallCurrentPoint[2] + trackBallStartPoint[2] * trackBallCurrentPoint[0];
rotationVector[2] = trackBallStartPoint[0] * trackBallCurrentPoint[1] - trackBallStartPoint[1] * trackBallCurrentPoint[0];
// calc the angle between the current point vector and the starting point vector
// use arctan so we get all eight quadrants instead of just the positive ones
// cos(a) = (start . current) / (||start|| ||current||)
// sin(a) = (||start X current||) / (||start|| ||current||)
// a = atan2(sin(a), cos(a))
CGFloat startLength = sqrt(trackBallStartPoint[0] * trackBallStartPoint[0] + trackBallStartPoint[1] * trackBallStartPoint[1] + trackBallStartPoint[2] * trackBallStartPoint[2]);
CGFloat currentLength = sqrt(trackBallCurrentPoint[0] * trackBallCurrentPoint[0] + trackBallCurrentPoint[1] * trackBallCurrentPoint[1] + trackBallCurrentPoint[2] * trackBallCurrentPoint[2]);
CGFloat startDotCurrent = trackBallStartPoint[0] * trackBallCurrentPoint[0] + trackBallStartPoint[1] * trackBallCurrentPoint[1] + trackBallStartPoint[2] * trackBallCurrentPoint[2]; // (start . current)
// start X current we have already calcualted in the rotation vector
CGFloat rotationLength = sqrt(rotationVector[0] * rotationVector[0] + rotationVector[1] * rotationVector[1] + rotationVector[2] * rotationVector[2]);
CGFloat angle = atan2(rotationLength / (startLength * currentLength), startDotCurrent / (startLength * currentLength));
// normalize the rotation vector
rotationVector[0] = rotationVector[0] / rotationLength;
rotationVector[1] = rotationVector[1] / rotationLength;
rotationVector[2] = rotationVector[2] / rotationLength;
CATransform3D rotationTransform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(angle, rotationVector[0], rotationVector[1], rotationVector[2]);
return CATransform3DConcat(baseTransform, rotationTransform);