





# This program parses a error log for necessary information and outputs in CSV format.

# chunks of your input to ignore, see below... 
my %ignorables = map { $_ => 1 } qw([notice mpmstats: rdy bsy rd wr ka log dns cls bsy: in);  

# 3-arg open is safer than 2, lexical my $fh better than a global FH glob 
open my $error_fh, '<', 'iset_error_log';   

sub findLines {
    # Iterates over the lines in the file, putting each into $_ 
    while (<$error_fh>) {      

        # Select only those fields that have the word 'notice'
        if (/\[notice/) {          

            # Place those lines with the word 'rdy' on the next line
            if (/\brdy\b/){
                push @result,"$item\n";

            else {

            # Split the line into fields, separated by spaces, skip the %ignorables         
            my @line = grep { not defined $ignorables{$_} } split /\s+/;    

            # More cleanup         
            s/|^\[|notice|[]]//g for @line; # remove unnecessary elements from the array

            # Output the line.  
            @line = join(",", @line);          
            s/,,/,/g for @line;
            map $item.=$_, @line;

my @array = &findLines;
foreach $line (@array){
    print $line; #This is where I would like to organize the lines if possible.


[Mon Jun 25 07:51:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 990 bsy 10 rd 0 wr 7 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 3
[Mon Jun 25 07:51:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 2 in mod_sm22.cpp, 5 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
[Mon Jun 25 08:08:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 974 bsy 26 rd 1 wr 24 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
[Mon Jun 25 08:08:17 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_sm22.cpp, 23 in mod_was_ap22_http.c, 1 in ApacheModule.cpp        Mon,Jun,25,14:38:29,2012,962,38,0,36,0,0,0,2,Mon,Jun,25,14:38:29,2012,3,mod_sm22.cpp,33,mod_was_ap22_http.c

    [Mon Jun 25 21:54:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 0 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
    [Mon Jun 25 21:55:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 0 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
    [Mon Jun 25 21:59:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 21:59:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
    [Mon Jun 25 22:00:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 22:00:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
    [Mon Jun 25 22:03:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 998 bsy 2 rd 0 wr 2 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 22:03:41 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 2 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
    [Mon Jun 25 22:08:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 998 bsy 2 rd 0 wr 2 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 22:08:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 2 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
    [Mon Jun 25 22:21:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 22:21:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
    [Mon Jun 25 22:22:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 22:22:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
    [Mon Jun 25 22:31:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 0 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 1
    [Mon Jun 25 22:32:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 22:32:42 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c
    [Mon Jun 25 23:06:43 2012] [notice] mpmstats: rdy 999 bsy 1 rd 0 wr 1 ka 0 log 0 dns 0 cls 0
    [Mon Jun 25 23:06:43 2012] [notice] mpmstats: bsy: 1 in mod_was_ap22_http.c

1 に答える 1


join を使用して列をテキスト行に戻す前に、まだ分割されている間に列を並べ替えたいと思うでしょう。


# 0        ,1    ,2  ,3   ,4   ,5  ,6  ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13  ,14  ,15
# DayOfWeek,Month,Day,Time,Year,Rdy,Bsy,Rd,Wr,Ka,Log,Dns,Cls,AP22,SM22,ApacheModule
# Sometimes the last 2 fields are missing and 13 comes before 14 and 15 in the 
# input, so fix that.
if (@line < 16) {
    push @line, '', ''; # or whatever you want for blanks

@line = @line[0..12,14,15,13]; # rearrange the array

また、空白の文字列 ( ) を空のフィールドとして使用すると、正規表現s/,,/,/gがこれを破ります。''最後のフィールドがない短い行は、正しい 13 フィールドと 14 フィールドがない短い行に戻ります。

ここや以前に尋ねられた種類の質問に基づいて、Modern Perl (ダウンロードまたは購入可能) またはLearning Perlのコピーを取得して、言語全体をよりよく理解することを強くお勧めします. 私は最近、前者の多くを読んで楽しんでおり、後者の以前の版から最初の Perl の知識のほとんどを得ました。

于 2012-07-03T16:30:13.627 に答える