public static string RemoveIncompleteTags(string source, string tag)
source = source.Replace(" ", " ");
source = source.Replace("/n", string.Empty).Replace("/r", string.Empty).Replace("/t", string.Empty);
source = source.Replace("<" + tag + "></" + tag + ">", string.Empty);
source = source.Replace("<" + tag + "> </" + tag + ">", string.Empty);
source = source.Replace("<" + tag + "> </" + tag + ">", string.Empty);
Dictionary<int, string> oDict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
string[] souceList;
Dictionary<int, string> final = new Dictionary<int, string>();
bool opening = false;
bool operate = false;
source = source.Replace(" ", " ");
source = source.Replace(">", "> ").Replace("<", " <");
source = source.Replace(" >", ">").Replace("< ", "<");
source = source.Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " ");
souceList = source.Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < souceList.Length; i++)
string word = souceList[i];
if (word.ToLower() == "<" + tag.ToLower() + ">")
opening = true;
operate = true;
else if (word.ToLower() == "</" + tag.ToLower() + ">")
opening = false;
operate = true;
if (operate)
if (opening)
oDict.Add(i, word);
final.Add(i, word);
if (oDict.Count != 0)
oDict.Remove(oDict.Last().Key);//.ToList().RemoveAt(oDict.Count - 1);
final.Add(i, word);
// need not to add to the output string
// code if you want to log
operate = false;
opening = false;
final.Add(i, word);
if (final.Count > 0)
if (oDict.Count > 0)
foreach (var key in oDict.Keys)
StringBuilder fText = new StringBuilder();
final.ToList().ForEach(wd =>
if (wd.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
fText.Append(wd.Value.Trim() + " ");
return fText.ToString().Trim();
return string.Empty;