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    public static const DAY_OF_MONTH:String = "date";

     * This method gets the first date of the week which the given date is in.
     * @param date  This is the date for which we want to process.
     * @param firstDayOfWeek    The first day of the week, 0 (Sunday) - 6 (Saturday); 0 is the default.  It will probably be used primarily for localization purposes.
     * @return      This returns a date representing the first day of the week.
    public static function firstDateOfWeek( date:Date, firstDayOfWeek : int = 0 ):Date {
        var dayIncrement : int = dayOfWeekLocalized(date, firstDayOfWeek);

        var returnDate : Date = DateUtils.dateAdd(DateUtils.DAY_OF_MONTH,-dayIncrement,date);
        return returnDate; 


     * This method returns the position of the day in a week, with respect to the firstDayOfWeek localization variable. 
     * If firstDayOfWeek is 0; then the week is display 0 (Sunday), 1 (Monday), 2 (Tuesday), 3 (Wednesday), 4 (Thursday), 5 (Friday), 6 (Saturday).  
     * So, a Sunday would return 0, a Saturday would return 6, and so on.  
     * If firstDayOfWeek is 1; then the week is displayed as 0 (Monday), 1 (Tuesday), 2 (Wednesday), 3 (Thursday), 4 (Friday), 5 (Saturday), 6 (Sunday). 
     * However, this situation will not change the date.day value.  For display purposes we need a Sunday to return 6, a Saturday to return 5, and so on.
     * This will presumably be used for display purposes.
     * @param date  This is the date to process.
     * @param firstDayOfWeek    The first day of the week, 0 (Sunday) - 6 (Saturday); 0 is the default.  It will probably be used primarily for localization purposes.
     * @return      This returns a date representing the day’s location on the localized week display.
    public static function dayOfWeekLocalized( date:Date, firstDayOfWeek : int = 0 ):int {
        var result : int = date.day - firstDayOfWeek;
        if(result < 0){
            result += 7;

        return result;



    public static function lastDateOfWeek( date:Date, firstDayOfWeek : int = 0 ):Date {
        var firstDateOfWeek : Date = firstDateOfWeek(date, firstDayOfWeek);

        var returnDate : Date = DateUtils.dateAdd(DateUtils.DAY_OF_MONTH,6,firstDateOfWeek );
        return returnDate; 


更新:特定の日付を指定すると、 DateUtilsライブラリのweekOfYearメソッドを使用してweekOfYear番号を確認できます。上記の方法を使用して、問題の週の最初と最後の日付を見つけます


var weekOfYear : Number = DateUtils.weekOfYear(myDate);
var firstDayOfWeek : Date = firstDateOfWeek(myDate);
var lastDayOfWeek : Date = lastDateOfWeek(myDate);
于 2012-07-10T16:43:52.867 に答える


于 2012-07-10T17:06:36.523 に答える