> avg_data
date region AveElapsedTime
1 5/1/2012 preprod 23
2 5/2/2012 prod 76
3 5/3/2012 Beta 34
4 5/4/2012 prod 30
5 5/5/2012 Beta 22
6 5/6/2012 preprod 32
7 5/7/2012 Beta 21
8 5/8/2012 prod 44
9 5/9/2012 preprod 45
10 5/10/2012 Beta 23
11 5/11/2012 prod 50
12 5/13/2012 Beta 26
13 5/14/2012 preprod 33
14 5/15/2012 Beta 75
15 5/16/2012 preprod 56
16 5/17/2012 Beta 32
17 5/18/2012 preprod 67
18 5/19/2012 prod 40
> cbind(avg_data[avg_data$region == "preprod", "date" ], avg_data[avg_data$region == "preprod", "AveElapsedTime" ])
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 3 23
[2,] 15 32
[3,] 18 45
[4,] 5 33
[5,] 7 56
[6,] 9 67
Rownumber AveElapsedTime
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 23
[2,] 6 32
[3,] 9 45
[4,] 13 33
[5,] 15 56
[6,] 17 67
avg_data <- read.table("qes.tbl", header=T, sep=",")
# dl <- avg_data[avg_data$region == "prod", "AveElapsedTime"]
#datel <- avg_data[avg_data$region == "prod", "date"]
#Creating the graph pdf in the below path to give as a link in the mail
FL <- 20120631
file <- paste("graph", FL, "pdf", sep=".")
plot_colors <- c("blue","red","forestgreen","black")
pdf(file, height=4.5, width=9.5, onefile=TRUE)
graphplot <- function(l, REG, tl, num) {
dl <- REG[REG$region == l, tl]
datel <- REG[REG$region == l, "date"]
dl <- cbind(as.numeric(rownames(REG[REG$region == l, ])), REG[REG$region == l, tl])
lines(dl, type="l", pch=2, col=plot_colors[num])
num <- num + 1
drawGraph <- function(ab, y, z, s) {
#Creating X axis
x <- ab[ab$region == "Beta", z]
y <- ab[,1]
g_range <- range(0,x[!is.na(x)])
plot(NA, type="l", col="orange", xlim= c(1, length(y)), ylim=g_range,axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE)
sapply(unique(ab$region[ab$region]), FUN=graphplot, REG=ab, tl=z, num)
axis(1, at=1:length(y), lab=FALSE)
text(1:length(y), par("usr")[3] - 2, srt=45, adj=1.2, labels=y, xpd=T, cex=0.3)
scale <- s
axis(2, las=1, at=scale*0:g_range[2], cex.axis=0.3)
#Caculationg Mean, Upper limit and lower limit using the below commands
MEANLIMIT <- seq(length=length(y), from=mean(x), by=0)
ULIMIT <- seq(length=length(y), from=mean(x) + 2.66*sum(abs(diff(x)))/length(x), by=0)
LLIMIT <- seq(length=length(y), from=mean(x) - 2.66*sum(abs(diff(x)))/length(x), by=0)
lines(MEANLIMIT, type="l", col="black")
lines(ULIMIT, type="l", pch=2, lty=2, col="grey")
lines(LLIMIT, type="l", pch=2, lty=2, col="black")
title(main=main_title, col.main="red", font.main=4)
title(xlab="Test Execution Date", col.lab=rgb(0,0.5,0))
title(ylab="Millisecond", col.lab=rgb(0,0.5,0))
legend("topright", g_range[2], main_title, cex=0.4, col=c("blue"), lty=1);
AET <- avg_data$AveElapsedTime
MTitle <- "AveElapsedTime"
#Creating graph for Average Elapsed time
drawGraph(avg_data, lab, MTitle, 5)