私は学習目的で独自の中点変位アルゴリズムを作成しており、1) アルゴリズムを理解できるかどうか、2) 好みに合わせて変更できるかどうかを確認するために、独自の方法で実装することにしました。
public void Generate(Double rg, int size)
Random rand = new Random();
int min = -127;
int max = 128;
// Starting points of the rectangle
MDP_Point s1 = new MDP_Point(0, 0, rand.Next(min, max));
MDP_Point s2 = new MDP_Point(size, 0, rand.Next(min, max));
MDP_Point s3 = new MDP_Point(size, size, rand.Next(min, max));
MDP_Point s4 = new MDP_Point(0, size, rand.Next(min, max));
// Lists containing the rectangles
List<MDP_Rect> newRect = new List<MDP_Rect>(); // Newly created rectangles
List<MDP_Rect> oldRect = new List<MDP_Rect>(); // Rectangles being divided
// Starting rectangle is added to the list
oldRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(s1, s2, s3, s4));
// Distance between 2 points in a rectangle
int h = size;
while (h > 1)
foreach (MDP_Rect r in oldRect)
// Middle points of rectangle segments
MDP_Point m1 = new MDP_Point();
MDP_Point m2 = new MDP_Point();
MDP_Point m3 = new MDP_Point();
MDP_Point m4 = new MDP_Point();
// Middle point of rectangle
MDP_Point mm = new MDP_Point();
m1.x = (r.C1.x + r.C2.x) / 2;
m1.y = (r.C1.y + r.C2.y) / 2;
m1.z = ((r.C1.z + r.C2.z) / 2) +(rand.Next(min, max) * rg);
m2.x = (r.C2.x + r.C3.x) / 2;
m2.y = (r.C2.y + r.C3.y) / 2;
m2.z = ((r.C2.z + r.C3.z) / 2) +(rand.Next(min, max) * rg);
m3.x = (r.C3.x + r.C4.x) / 2;
m3.y = (r.C3.y + r.C4.y) / 2;
m3.z = ((r.C3.z + r.C4.z) / 2) +(rand.Next(min, max) * rg);
m4.x = (r.C1.x + r.C4.x) / 2;
m4.y = (r.C1.y + r.C4.y) / 2;
m4.z = ((r.C1.z + r.C4.z) / 2) + (rand.Next(min, max) * rg);
mm.x = (r.C1.x + r.C2.x + r.C3.x + r.C4.x) / 4;
mm.y = (r.C1.y + r.C2.y + r.C3.y + r.C4.y) / 4;
mm.z = ((r.C1.z + r.C2.z + r.C3.z + r.C4.z) / 4) + (rand.Next(min, max) * rg);
newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(r.C1, m1, mm, m4));
newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(m1, r.C2, m2, mm));
newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(mm, m2, r.C3, m3));
newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(m4, mm, m3, r.C4));
oldRect = new List<MDP_Rect>(newRect);
h /= 2;
List<MDP_Rect> sorted = new List<MDP_Rect>();
sorted = oldRect.OrderBy(y => y.C1.y).ThenBy(x => x.C1.x).ToList();
List<MDP_Point> mapArray = new List<MDP_Point>();
CreateImage(size, mapArray, rg);
MDP_Point には x、y、z の値のみが含まれます MDP_Rectangle には 4 つの点が含まれ、長方形を作成します
CreateArray() メソッドは、正しい順序で並べられた四角形のリストと出力およびポイントのリストのみを取得して、画像を作成します。
private List<MDP_Point> CreateArray(List<MDP_Rect> lRect)
List<MDP_Point> p = new List<MDP_Point>();
int size = (int)Math.Sqrt(lRect.Count);
int i = 0;
foreach (MDP_Rect r in lRect)
p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)r.C1.x, (int)r.C1.y, (int)r.C1.z));
if (i > 0 && i % size == size - 1)
p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)r.C2.x, (int)r.C2.y, (int)r.C2.z));
for (int a = 0; a < size; a++)
p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C4.x,
(int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C4.y,
(int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C4.z));
if (a > 0 && a % size == size - 1)
p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C3.x,
(int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C3.y,
(int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C3.z));
return p;
private void CreateImage(int size, List<MDP_Point> arr, double roughness)
Bitmap map = new Bitmap(size, size);
int ver = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < map.Height; i++)
for (int n = 0; n < map.Width; n++ )
int h = (int)arr[ver].z + 127;
if (h < 0)
h = 0;
else if (h > 255)
h = 255 ;
Color c = Color.FromArgb(h, h, h);
//map.SetPixel(n, i, c);
map.SetPixel(i, n, c);
Bitmap m = new Bitmap(map);
bool saved = true;
int num = 0;
while (saved)
if (File.Exists("map_S" + size + "_R" + roughness + "_" + num + ".png"))
m.Save("map_S" + size + "_R" + roughness + "_" + num + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
saved = false;
0 未満の値が 0 に設定され、255 を超える値が 255 に設定されるという事実は、おそらく大きな問題です....どうすればよいかわかりません。
コードによって生成された画像は次のとおりです: サイズ: 1024 粗さ: 0.5