以下のドメイン クラスのコードを見つけてください。
package symcadminidp
import java.sql.Timestamp
import groovy.transform.ToString
class Account {
static auditable = [ignore:['dateCreated','lastUpdated']]
String organization
String organizationUnit
String status
String address1
String address2
String zipcode
String state
String country
Timestamp dateCreated
Timestamp lastUpdated
status = "ENABLED"
static hasMany = [samlInfo: SAMLInfo, contacts: Contact]
static mapping = {
table 'sidp_account_t'
id column: 'account_id', generator:'sequence', params:[sequence:'sidp_seq']
contacts cascade:'all'
accountId generator:'assigned'
organization column:'org'
organizationUnit column:'org_unit'
zipcode column:'zip'
dateCreated column:'date_created'
lastUpdated column:'date_updated'
static constraints = {
organization size: 1..100, blank: false
organizationUnit size: 1..100, blank: false, unique: ['organization']
//The organizationUnit must be unique in one organization
//but there might be organizationUnits with same name in different organizations,
//i.e. the organizationUnit isn't unique by itself.
address1 blank:false
zipcode size: 1..15, blank: false
contacts nullable: false, cascade: true
status blank:false
//state ( validator: {val, obj -> if (obj.params.country.compareTocompareToIgnoreCase("usa")) return (! obj.params.state.compareToIgnoreCase("other"))})
//it.country.compareToIgnoreCase("usa")) return (!state.compareToIgnoreCase("other"))}
URI: /symcadminidp/account/index クラス: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException メッセージ: そのようなプロパティはありません: クラスのパラメーター: symcadminidp.Account