def nodupchoice():
# For loop that creates a list named keys. It grabs 3 random keys from the dictionary word_drills
keys = [x for x in random.sample(word_drills, 3)]
# User is presented with a question. A value from the previous randomly selected keys is selected as the 'question'
print "Question: ", word_drills[random.choice(keys)]
# Set the variables key1, key2, & key3 to the 3 keys in the list 'keys'
key1, key2, key3 = keys[0], keys[1], keys[2]
# User is presented with 3 choices.
print "\n\n(a)%s (b)%s (c)%s" % (key1, key2, key3)
selection = raw_input("> ")
print selection
print correctvalue
コードの行は、print "Question:"、word_drills [random.choice(keys)]です。この結果を変数に入れ、if / elseステートメントを実行して、答えが正しいかどうかを確認したいと思いました。再度、感謝します。