var Question = function(Text){
this.Question = Text;
this.Answers = [];
this.addAnswer = function(Answer, Correct){
if(typeof Correct == 'undefined') Correct = false;
else Correct = Correct == true;
this.Answers.push({"Answer":Answer, "Correct":Correct});
this.checkAnswer = function(Index){
if(typeof this.Answers[Index] == 'undefined') return false;
return this.Answers[Index].Correct;
var Questions = [];
var q;
var Score = 0;
var CurrentQuestion = -1;
var nextQuestion = function()
if(typeof Questions[CurrentQuestion] == 'undefined') return false;
var Question = Questions[CurrentQuestion];
for(var t in Question.Answers)
i = t;
t = Question.Answers[t];
var Div = $('<div class="answer"></div>');
$(Div).append('<span class="radioContainer"><input type="radio" name="Answer" id="answer_'+ i +'"></span> ');
$(Div).append($('<label for="answer_' + i + '" />').html(t.Answer));
$('.radioContainer').css('background-image', 'none');
attr = $(this).attr('checked');
if(typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false)
$(this).parent().css('background-image', 'url("http://dev.clickymedia.co.uk/fbart/wp-content/themes/artbook/img/tick.png")');
return true;
//Returning false should stop the user from progressing to the next question.
var checkCurrentAnswer = function()
if(typeof Questions[CurrentQuestion] == 'undefined') return false;
var i = $('#Answers input:checked').parent().index();
if(i < 0) return false;
if(Questions[CurrentQuestion].checkAnswer(i) == true) Score++;
return true;
q = new Question("Which famous film star did Pop artist Andy Warhol make more portraits of than any other?");
q.addAnswer('Marilyn Monroe', true);
q.addAnswer('Sophia Loren');
q.addAnswer('Audrey Hepburn');
q.addAnswer('Doris Day');
q = new Question("The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci's magnum opus, draws crowds into which famous European museum?");
q.addAnswer('The Musée du Louvre, Paris', true);
q.addAnswer('The Tate Britain, London');
q.addAnswer('The National Gallery, Berlin');
q.addAnswer('The Uffizi Gallery, Florence');
$('#nextQuestion').bind('click', function(){
}else{ //End of examination! - Put your pens and pencils down.
$('#QuestionBook .FinalLeft .Score').html(Score + '/' + Questions.length);
$('#QuestionBook .FinalLeft .Message').html(Message);
$('#QuestionBook .QuestionContainer, #QuestionBook .AnswersContainer').hide();
$('#QuestionBook .FinalLeft, #QuestionBook .FinalRight').show();