あいまいなステップ定義エラーが発生しています。次のシナリオは異なる機能ファイルに存在し、同じ手順が 1 つあります: Then I should see my profile page
. これが起こらないようにするにはどうすればよいですか?
# authentication.feature
Scenario: Successful sign in
Given I visit the sign in page
When I submit valid sign in information
Then I should see my profile page
# signing_up.feature
Scenario: Successful sign up
Given I visit the sign up page
When I submit valid information
Then I should see my profile page
# authentication_steps.rb
Then /^I should see my profile page$/ do
page.current_path.should == user_path(@user)
# signing_up.feature
Then /^I should see my profile page$/ do
page.current_path.should == user_path(@user)
Scenario: Unsuccessful sign up
Then I should see an error message
Scenario: Unsuccessful login
Then I should see an error message