How can I do a foreach
where I can read just the XML
tag Equipe
where has the <DesFilialnet>
equals Rest
This is an example:
<DesAgenciaLopesnet>MINAS GERAIS LTDA.</DesAgenciaLopesnet>
<CodEquipeSecundaria />
<CodEquipeSecundariaNovo />
<DesEquipeSecundaria />
I have a lot of Equipe
tag, but the <DesFilialnet>
change, and I want just the <Equipe>
where <DesFilialnet>
is Rest.
Follow how I'm doing
public void leXmlCors(string file)
XmlReader rdr = XmlReader.Create(file);
XDocument doc2 = XDocument.Load(rdr);
foreach (var equipes in doc2.Root.Descendants("Equipe"))
foreach (var element in equipes.Descendants())
// This will read all <Equipe> tag, but I don't want all <Equipe> tag