RF リンク送信機 ( https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10535 ?)から送信された基本データを受信する Android アプリケーションを作成したいと考えています。信号を受信できる周波数を何らかの方法で制御できるかどうかを最初に知りたい.
1 に答える
I want to know first off if it is possible to somehow control what frequency you can receive a signal on.
Generally, no. Android is an operating system. It is not hardware. Specifically, it is not a software-defined radio (SDR) receiver. In principle, Android could power a device that had SDR capabilities, but Android itself has nothing related to SDR, certainly at the SDK level. Or, Android could power a device that happens to have a suitable 315MHz receiver, but your general off-the-shelf Android device probably does not have such a receiver, and the OS does not have anything specific for that sort of receiver.