次のリンクを見て、マップ上のボタンをクリックしてリセット(マップをデフォルトのズーム8に戻す)する方法を教えてください。 http://jsfiddle.net/Behseini/cbTx5/
次のリンクを見て、マップ上のボタンをクリックしてリセット(マップをデフォルトのズーム8に戻す)する方法を教えてください。 http://jsfiddle.net/Behseini/cbTx5/
You need to move the map
variable outside initialize
and call map.setZoom(zoo)
Here is a fiddle demonstrating this: http://jsfiddle.net/cbTx5/2/
Edit - fixed the demo
The map will change the zoom level when the zoom_changed
event is triggered. When you call setZoom(value) this event is triggered automatically.
If you want to have more control over when this happens you can always say:
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'zoom_changed');
which will have the same effect and is less elegant, but it gives a better overview as to what is happening.
For all the events that are triggered when the map is manipulated, check out this demo: http://gmaps-samples-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/map_events/map_events.html