This is the strangest error I've ever had, simply because I can't find any information on it anywhere.
I have an app using RestKit (current master) that maps to Core Data. I'm using a custom mapping provider (subclass of RKObjectMappingProvider
). This generates all of the mappings that I need, similar to the RKGithub project.
Some of my objects have many-to-many relationships, so I have to register some of the relationships (in the mapping provider) after the others are set up to avoid an infinite recursion. (Friends has_many Friends has_many Friends...)
When the app runs and RestKit configures itself, an error occurs on this line (in RKManagedObjectStore.m
_persistentStoreCoordinator = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedObjectModel:_managedObjectModel];
I can't step into the "initWithManagedObjectModel:" method. The only information I get is this exception in the logs:
-[NSSQLToMany _setInverseManyToMany:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xcc78890
I have no idea what caused this or how to fix it. I can't find any documentation on it or even anyone who's had this problem before. All I could find was this dump of the iOS framework:
public struct NSSQLManyToMany : IEquatable<NSSQLManyToMany> {
internal NObjective.RuntimeObject Handle;
public static readonly RuntimeClass ClassHandle = CoreDataCachedClasses.NSSQLManyToMany;
public static implicit operator IntPtr( NSSQLManyToMany value ) {
return value.Handle;
public static implicit operator NObjective.RuntimeObject( NSSQLManyToMany value ) {
return value.Handle;
public override bool Equals( object value ) {
var compareTo = value as NSSQLManyToMany?;
return compareTo != null && Handle == compareTo.Value.Handle;
public bool Equals( NSSQLManyToMany value ) {
return Handle == value.Handle;
public static bool operator ==( NSSQLManyToMany value1, NSSQLManyToMany value2 ) {
return value1.Handle == value2.Handle;
public static bool operator !=( NSSQLManyToMany value1, NSSQLManyToMany value2 ) {
return value1.Handle != value2.Handle;
public NSSQLManyToMany( IntPtr value ) {
this.Handle = new RuntimeObject( value );
public static NSSQLManyToMany alloc() {
return new NSSQLManyToMany( ClassHandle.InvokeIntPtr( Selectors.alloc ) );
unsafe public NObjective.RuntimeObject inverseColumnName() {
RuntimeObject ___occuredException;
var ___result = NativeMethods.inverseColumnName( Handle, CachedSelectors.inverseColumnName, out ___occuredException, 0 );
if( ___occuredException != RuntimeObject.Null ) throw RuntimeException.Create( ___occuredException );
return new NObjective.RuntimeObject( ___result );
unsafe public NObjective.RuntimeObject inverseManyToMany() {
RuntimeObject ___occuredException;
var ___result = NativeMethods.inverseManyToMany( Handle, CachedSelectors.inverseManyToMany, out ___occuredException, 0 );
if( ___occuredException != RuntimeObject.Null ) throw RuntimeException.Create( ___occuredException );
return new NObjective.RuntimeObject( ___result );
unsafe public bool isMaster() {
RuntimeObject ___occuredException;
var ___result = NativeMethods.isMaster( Handle, CachedSelectors.isMaster, out ___occuredException, 0 );
if( ___occuredException != RuntimeObject.Null ) throw RuntimeException.Create( ___occuredException );
return ___result;
unsafe public bool isReflexive() {
RuntimeObject ___occuredException;
var ___result = NativeMethods.isReflexive( Handle, CachedSelectors.isReflexive, out ___occuredException, 0 );
if( ___occuredException != RuntimeObject.Null ) throw RuntimeException.Create( ___occuredException );
return ___result;
private static class NativeMethods {
[DllImport(Runtime.InteropLibrary, EntryPoint = "objc_msgSend_eh2")]
public static extern IntPtr inverseColumnName( RuntimeObject ___object, Selector ___selector, out RuntimeObject ___occuredException, int ___stackSize );
[DllImport(Runtime.InteropLibrary, EntryPoint = "objc_msgSend_eh2")]
public static extern IntPtr inverseManyToMany( RuntimeObject ___object, Selector ___selector, out RuntimeObject ___occuredException, int ___stackSize );
[DllImport(Runtime.InteropLibrary, EntryPoint = "objc_msgSend_eh2")]
public static extern bool isMaster( RuntimeObject ___object, Selector ___selector, out RuntimeObject ___occuredException, int ___stackSize );
[DllImport(Runtime.InteropLibrary, EntryPoint = "objc_msgSend_eh2")]
public static extern bool isReflexive( RuntimeObject ___object, Selector ___selector, out RuntimeObject ___occuredException, int ___stackSize );
static internal class CachedSelectors {
public static readonly Selector inverseColumnName = "inverseColumnName";
public static readonly Selector inverseManyToMany = "inverseManyToMany";
public static readonly Selector isMaster = "isMaster";
public static readonly Selector isReflexive = "isReflexive";
Which very clearly seems to have a setter:
public NSSQLManyToMany( IntPtr value ) {
this.Handle = new RuntimeObject( value );
Any ideas?
EDIT: I should add that I've tried all of the "simple" solutions. Deleting the app from the sim doesn't work.
I suspect that it might be because I have an entity that has two "has and belongs to many" relationships with the same (different) entity. But I can't see why that would be an actual problem.