ローカル通知プラグインを追加するためにこのlocalnotificationpluginを試し、いくつかのコンパイルエラーがありましたが、read meのように各ステップを実行しましたが、 alarm = new AlarmHelper(this.ctx);
localnotification.javaで変更することで解決しましたnew AlarmHelper(cordova.getContext());
* Phonegap LocalNotification Plugin for Android
* Created by Daniel van 't Oever 2012 MIT Licensed
* Usage:
* plugins.localNotification.add({ date: new Date(), message: 'This is an Android alarm using the statusbar', id: 123 });
* plugins.localNotification.cancel(123);
* plugins.localNotification.cancelAll();
* This interface is similar to the existing iOS LocalNotification plugin created by Greg Allen
if (typeof PhoneGap !== "undefined") {
* Empty constructor
var LocalNotification = function() {
* Register a notification message for a specific date / time
* @param successCB
* @param failureCB
* @param options
* Array with arguments. Valid arguments are date, message,
* repeatDaily and id
LocalNotification.prototype.add = function(options) {
var defaults = {
date : new Date(),
message : '',
ticker : '',
repeatDaily : false,
id : ""
if (options.date) {
options.date = (options.date.getMonth()) + "/"
+ (options.date.getDate()) + "/"
+ (options.date.getFullYear()) + "/"
+ (options.date.getHours()) + "/"
+ (options.date.getMinutes());
for ( var key in defaults) {
if (typeof options[key] !== "undefined")
defaults[key] = options[key];
PhoneGap.exec(null, null, 'LocalNotification', 'add', new Array(
* Cancel an existing notification using its original ID.
* @param id
* The ID that was used when creating the notification using the
* 'add' method.
LocalNotification.prototype.cancel = function(notificationId) {
PhoneGap.exec(null, null, 'LocalNotification', 'cancel', new Array({
id : notificationId
* Cancel all notifications that were created by your application.
LocalNotification.prototype.cancelAll = function() {
.exec(null, null, 'LocalNotification', 'cancelAll', new Array());
* Register this plugin with phonegap
PhoneGap.addConstructor(function() {
alert("constructor called here");
if (!window.plugins) {
window.plugins = {};
window.plugins.localNotification = new LocalNotification();
alert("localnotification called");
phonegap コンストラクターと alert("localnotification called"); を呼び出します。が表示されますが、その後追加が実行されないため、実行するローカル通知を取得できません