1 に答える
Nothing; it's an abuse of the term "quad-core".
Desktop GPUs have dozens or hundreds of "processors" — vertex processors, shader processors, "stream processors" (multiple stream processors are often grouped into a single shader processor). This works because typical 3D rendering is inherently parallel: Vertices can be projected independently, pixels can typically be rendered independently for each stage, and adjacent pixels typically have neighbouring inputs (e.g. the same area of a texture) which makes caching easier. All of this is typically handled by the GPU.
You might need to do a little more reading and performance comparisons if you write your own pixel shaders, but this doesn't really depend on the number of "cores" — the constructs used in pixel shader languages tend to be parallelizable by default. (This doesn't mean it's not easy to write non-parallelizable code if you try, but unless you're trying to get poor performance you should be fine.)