Is it possible to bind a List-Binding to a HTML Select () element to display the contents of the binding as elements?
Im using this right now, which doesn't seem to work:
<select data-win-options="{itemDataSource: ...)}"></select>
JavaScript 部分:
// Load data
var options = [
{ optionValue: 1, optionText: 'One', selected: false },
{ optionValue: 2, optionText: 'Two', selected: true },
{ optionValue: 3, optionText: 'Three', selected: false }
// Fill select box
options.forEach(function (value, i) {
var newOption = document.createElement("option");
newOption.text = value.optionText;
newOption.value = value.optionValue;
if (value.selected) {
newOption.selected = true;
HTML 部分:
<select id="myBox"></select>
それ以外の場合は、テンプレートで WinJS.UI.ListView を使用できます: