Doxyfileが配置されている私のアプリケーションのルートは次のとおりです。 /home/aaa/public_html

次の場所でドキュメントを生成したい: /home/bbb/public_html/ccc

うまく機能しますが、Jenkinsでは機能しません:エラーが発生しますhudson.AbortException: The output directory doesn't exist.

Jenkinsの仕事のワークスペースは次のとおりです。 /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Doxy1/workspace



4 に答える 4


I found the solution.

Instead of using the plugin, I just created freestyle job in Jenkins with the Doxygen generation command in it.

于 2012-11-02T10:00:36.620 に答える

I've found out that the error hudson.AbortException: The output directory doesn't exist refers to the OUTPUT_DIRECTORY variable in the Doxygen configuration file.

You have to take three things into account with the Doxygen plugin (at least as of 0.15).

In the Doxygen plugin configuration in a Jenkins task:

  • Doxyfile path: this path has to be RELATIVE to the Jenkins task workspace. And point to the .doxy file that contains the Doxygen configuration.
  • Folder from which doxygen is run: a folder within the Jenkins task workspace.

In the Doxygen configuration file:

  • OUTPUT_DIRECTORY variable: this variable sets the directory where we want to generate the Doxygen output. It can be relative or absolute. In case it was relative, it would be relative to the folder from which Doxygen is run. If we want to leave the Doxygen output in the same folder from which we run Doxygen, we should leave this OUTPUT_DIRECTORY variable empty.
于 2014-06-19T08:39:28.680 に答える

Since version 0.16, the Doxygen plugin provides a build step to generate the documentation.

See https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Doxygen+Plugin

于 2014-08-07T19:06:20.127 に答える

I found that I get this error if the publish doxygen build step doxyfile path field contains extra whitespace. Make sure that your doxyfile path doesn't have any trailing spaces or other whitespace characters. My doxygen plugin version is 0.18.

于 2016-02-02T03:13:36.007 に答える