だから私はこれまでこのコードを書きました。それは非常にうまく機能します。唯一の問題は、コードを 2 回呼び出すとエラー «script» が Remi メッセージを理解できないことです。(-1708)
my Remi()
on Remi()
set cD to (current date)
tell application "Reminders"
--set output to name of reminders
if (count of (reminders whose completed is false)) > 0 then
set output to ""
set todoList to name of reminders whose completed is false
repeat with itemNum from 1 to ((count of (reminders whose completed is false)))
set Remi to item itemNum of reminders
set remiT to due date of Remi
set tim to time string of remiT
set dD to date string of remiT
set nN to name of Remi
if remiT ≤ cD then
set val to (tim & " - " & nN & " $$" & dD & "/ENDE")
set output to (output & val & return)
end if
end try
end repeat
set output to "No reminders available"
end if
end tell
return output
end Remi