> nicelyFormatted
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] "Black Eagles" "01/12" "12/11" "1500" "W" "7.0" "420" "48" "Away" "+3"
[2,] "Blue State" "02/18" "04/21" "1293" "L" "8.0" "490" "48" "Home" "+1"
[3,] "Hawks" "01/13" "02/17" "1028" "L" "4.0" "46" "460" "Away" NA
[4,] "New Apple" "09/23" "11/23" "563" "L" "3.0" "470" "47" "Home" "+2"
[5,] "Black White" "07/05" "09/26" "713" "L" "5.2" "500" "45" "Home" "+4"
[6,] "PBO" "10/24" "10/30" "1495" "L" "1.9" "47" "410" "Away" NA
# Open Connection to file
pathToFile <- path.expand("~/path/to/file/myfile.txt")
f <- file(pathToFile, "rb")
# Read in lines
rawText <- readLines(f)
# Find the dahses
dsh <- str_locate_all(rawText, " - ")
# Splice, using the dashes as a guide
lng <- length(rawText)
spliced <- sapply(1:lng, function(i)
spliceOnDash(rawText[[i]], dsh[[c(i, 1)]], dsh[[c(i, 2)]])
# make it purtty
nicelyFormatted <- formatNicely(spliced)
spliceOnDash <- function(strn, start, end) {
# split around the date
pre <- substr(strn, 1, start-6)
dates <- substr(strn, start-5, end+5)
post <- substr(strn, end+6, str_length(strn))
# Clean up
pre <- str_trim(pre)
# replace all double spaces with single spaces
while(str_detect(post, " ")) {
post <- str_replace_all(str_trim(post), " ", " ")
# splice on space
post <- str_split(post, " ")
# if dates are one field, remove this next line
dates <- str_split(dates, " - ")
# return
c(unlist(pre), unlist(dates), unlist(post))
# Function to clean up the list into a nice table
formatNicely <- function(spliced) {
lngst <- max(sapply(spliced, length))
t(sapply(spliced, function(x)
if(length(x) < lngst) c(x, rep(NA, lngst-length(x))) else x ))