var asRectangle = function() {
// every time this function is called, these three functions are created
// from scratch, slowing down execution time
this.area = function() {
return this.length * this.width;
this.grow = function() {
this.length++, this.width++;
this.shrink = function() {
this.length--, this.width--;
var asRectangle = (function() {
// these functions are 'cached' in the closure
function area() {
return this.length * this.width;
function grow() {
this.length++, this.width++;
function shrink() {
this.length--, this.width--;
// this function is set to asRectangle. it references the above functions
// every time it is called without having to create new ones
return function() {
this.area = area;
this.grow = grow;
this.shrink = shrink;
return this;