ここで実行可能な例: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/894e9/4
if object_id('[FloorName]') is not null drop table [FloorName]
if object_id('[BuildingName]') is not null drop table [BuildingName]
if object_id('[Floor]') is not null drop table [Floor]
if object_id('[Building]') is not null drop table [Building]
if object_id('[Language]') is not null drop table [Language]
create table [Language]
Id bigint not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered
, code nvarchar(5)
create table [Building]
Id bigint not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered
, something nvarchar(64)
create table [Floor]
Id bigint not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered
, BuildingId bigint foreign key references [Building](Id)
, something nvarchar(64)
create table [BuildingName]
Id bigint not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered
, BuildingId bigint foreign key references [Building](Id)
, LanguageId bigint foreign key references [Language](Id)
, name nvarchar(64)
create table [FloorName]
Id bigint not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered
, FloorId bigint foreign key references [Floor](Id)
, LanguageId bigint foreign key references [Language](Id)
, name nvarchar(64)
insert [Language]
select 'en-us'
union select 'en-gb'
union select 'fr'
insert [Building]
select 'B1'
union select 'B2'
insert [Floor]
select 1, 'F1.1'
union select 1, 'F1.2'
union select 1, 'F1.3'
union select 1, 'F1.4'
union select 1, 'F1.5'
union select 2, 'F2.1'
union select 2, 'F2.2'
union select 2, 'F2.3'
union select 2, 'F2.4'
union select 2, 'F2.5'
insert BuildingName
select b.Id
, l.id
, 'BuildingName :: ' + b.something + ' ' + l.code
from [Building] b
cross join [Language] l
where l.code in ('en-us', 'fr')
insert FloorName
select f.Id
, l.Id
, 'FloorName :: ' + f.something + ' ' + l.code
from [Floor] f
cross join [Language] l
where f.something in ( 'F1.1', 'F1.2', 'F2.1')
and l.code in ('en-us', 'fr')
insert FloorName
select f.Id
, l.Id
, 'FloorName :: ' + f.something + ' ' + l.code
from [Floor] f
cross join [Language] l
where f.something not in ( 'F1.1', 'F1.2', 'F2.1')
and l.code in ('en-us')
declare @defaultLanguageId bigint
select @defaultLanguageId = id from [Language] where code = 'en-us' --default language is US English
select b.Id
, b.something
, bn.name
, isnull(bfn.name, bfnDefault.name)
, bl.code BuildingLanguage
from [Building] b
inner join [BuildingName] bn
on bn.BuildingId = b.Id
inner join [Language] bl
on bl.Id = bn.LanguageId
inner join [Floor] bf
on bf.BuildingId = b.Id
left outer join [FloorName] bfn
on bfn.FloorId = bf.Id
and bfn.LanguageId = bl.Id
left outer join [Language] bfl
on bfl.Id = bfn.LanguageId
left outer join [FloorName] bfnDefault
on bfnDefault.FloorId = bf.Id
and bfnDefault.LanguageId = @defaultLanguageId
select b.Id
, b.something
, bn.name
, isnull(bfn.name, (select top 1 name from [FloorName] x where x.FloorId=bf.Id))
, bl.code BuildingLanguage
from [Building] b
inner join [BuildingName] bn
on bn.BuildingId = b.Id
inner join [Language] bl
on bl.Id = bn.LanguageId
inner join [Floor] bf
on bf.BuildingId = b.Id
left outer join [FloorName] bfn
on bfn.FloorId = bf.Id
and bfn.LanguageId = bl.Id
left outer join [Language] bfl
on bfl.Id = bfn.LanguageId