protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Mode = (Request.QueryString["Mode"]);
//Upon opening page, if this is an edit to existing product (populate product data)
if (Mode == "E")
if (!IsPostBack)
int ProductID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
//Declare the connection object
SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection();
Conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDatabase"].ConnectionString;
//Connect to the db
//Define the query
//string sql = "SELECT dbo.Vendor.VendorName, dbo.Vendor.VendorID, dbo.Product.ProductName, dbo.Product.ProductNumber, dbo.lu_Category.CategoryID, dbo.lu_Category.Description FROM dbo.Product INNER JOIN dbo.Vendor ON dbo.Product.VendorID = dbo.Vendor.VendorID INNER JOIN dbo.lu_Category ON dbo.Product.CategoryID = dbo.lu_Category.CategoryID WHERE ProductID=@ProductID";
string sql = "SELECT ProductName, ProductNumber, ProductDescription, Cost, Markup, Unit, QtyOnHand, ShippingWeight, dbo.Vendor.VendorID, VendorName, dbo.lu_Category.CategoryID, Description FROM Vendor, Product, lu_Category WHERE ProductID=@ProductID";
//Declare the Command
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Conn);
//Add the parameters needed for the SQL query
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductID", ProductID);
//Declare the DataReader
SqlDataReader dr = null;
//Fill the DataReader
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//Loop through the DataReader
while (dr.Read())
txtProductName.Text = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
txtProductNo.Text = dr["ProductNumber"].ToString();
txtDescription.Text = dr["ProductDescription"].ToString();
txtCost.Text = dr["Cost"].ToString();
txtMarkup.Text = dr["Markup"].ToString();
txtUnit.Text = dr["Unit"].ToString();
txtQty.Text = dr["QtyOnHand"].ToString();
txtWeight.Text = dr["ShippingWeight"].ToString();
ListItem li = new ListItem();
li.Text = dr["VendorName"].ToString();
li.Value = dr["VendorID"].ToString();