As others point out, in all likelyhood your implementation is based on two's complement, and will give exactly the result you expect.
However, if you're worried about the results of an operation involving a signed value, and all you care about is the bit pattern, simply cast directly to an equivalent unsigned type. The results are defined under the standard: Signed and unsigned integers
Otherwise, if the new type is unsigned, the value is converted by repeatedly adding or
subtracting one more than the maximum value that can be represented in the new type
until the value is in the range of the new type.
This is essentially specifying that the result will be the two's complement representation of the value.
Fundamental to this is that in two's complement maths the result of a calculation is modulo some power of two (i.e. the number of bits in the type), which in turn is exactly equivalent to masking off the relevant number of bits. And the complement of a number is the number subtracted from the power of two.
Thus adding a negative value is the same as adding any value which differs from the value by a multiple of that power of two.
(0 + signed_value) mod (2^N)
(2^N + signed_value) mod (2^N)
(7 * 2^N + signed_value) mod (2^N)
etc. (if you know modulo, that should be pretty self-evidently true)
So if you have a negative number, adding a power of two will make it positive (-5 + 256 = 251), but the bottom 'N' bits will be exactly the same (0b11111011) and it will not affect the outcome of a mathematical operation. As values are then truncated to fit the type, the result is exactly the binary value you expected with even if the result 'overflows' (i.e. what you might think happens if the number was positive to start with - this wrapping is also well defined behaviour).
So in 8-bit two's complement:
- -5 is the same as 251 (i.e 256 - 5) - 0b11111011
- If you add 30, and 251, you get 281. But that's larger than 256, and 281 mod 256 equals 25. Exactly the same as 30 - 5.
- 251 * 2 = 502. 502 mod 256 = 246. 246 and -10 are both 0b11110110.
Likewise if you have:
unsigned int a;
int b;
a - b == a + (unsigned int) -b;
Under the hood, this cast is unlikely to be implemented with arithmetic and will certainly be a straight assignment from one register/value to another, or just optimised out altogether as the maths does not make a distinction between signed and unsigned (intepretation of CPU flags is another matter, but that's an implementation detail). The standard exists to ensure that an implementation doesn't take it upon itself to do something strange instead, or I suppose, for some weird architecture which isn't using two's complement...