Maps.ui.contains = function(latLng){
//poly.getBounds gets the 'box' around the polygon
return false;
//So we dont need to check t/f, we either set it or we dont
var inPolygon = false;
var count = 0;
Maps.area.getPaths().forEach(function(el0, index0){
var last = el0.getLength() - 1;
el0.forEach(function(el1, index1){
count += Maps.ui.ray_intersect_segment(latLng, el1, el0.getAt(last));
last = index1;
if(Maps.area.getPaths().getLength()%2 == 0)
return count%2==0;
return count%2!=0;
var eps = 0.0001;
var inf = 1e600;
Maps.ui.ray_intersect_segment = function(point, i1, i2){
var p = point;
var segment = (i1.lng() > i2.lng())?[i2, i1]:[i1, i2];
p = (p.lng() == segment[0].lng() || p.lng() == segment[1].lng())?new google.maps.LatLng(p.lng() + eps):p;
if(p.lng() < segment[0].lng() || p.lng() > segment[1].lng() || > [segment[0].lat(), segment[1].lng()].max())
return 0;
if( < [segment[0].lat(), segment[1].lat()].min())
return 1;
var a = (segment[0].lat() != segment[1].lat())?(segment[1].lng() - segment[0].lng())/(segment[1].lat() - segment[0].lat()):inf;
var b = (segment[0].lat() != ? (p.lng() - segment[0].lng())/( - segment[0].lat()):inf;
return (b > a)?1:0;
Maps.ui.getBounds = function() {
//Lets make a box
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
//Get all the points lines of the polly
var paths = Maps.area.getPaths();
for (var p = 0; p < paths.getLength(); p++)
//To store each path
var path = paths.getAt(p);
//Now lets expand the box
for (var i = 0; i < path.getLength(); i++)
//Add each point of the line to the 'box' making it bigger each time
//Reaturn the bounds, this has a contains method so we can check if the latLng is in it.
return bounds;
Array.prototype.max = function() {
return Math.max.apply(null, this)
Array.prototype.min = function() {
return Math.min.apply(null, this)