I've looked everywhere but I couldn't find the right solution

The sidebar is long but there's still white space when I get to the end because it's not the length of the content. So, I was thinking maybe having it 'fixed' using jquery but the thing is, is that it's still a long sidebar.. So is there a way for me to have the sidebar scroll gradually as I scroll so that it reaches the bottom of the sidebar the same time it I reach the footer?

I thought about something maybe like "(0, sidebarTop - scrollTop)" with 'sidebartop' being the position ('top' increases as you scroll so it pushes the sidebar down) but it not working right.. it's actually pushing it up

I'm a bit sleep deprived and I may not be thinking about it clear at the moment but I need to figure this out for a client due saturday..

You see how the sidebar long? (shorten your browser) -- I would like it so that the sidebar will move gradually down with the content just like this


1 に答える 1


少し余分な計算が必要です: http://jsfiddle.net/VEsdu/317/

scrolled = Math.min(1, (scrollTop - sidebarTop)/(ch - wh));
topPosition += scrolled * (ch - sh);

最初の行では、ビューポート内のコンテンツのどの部分を取得しますか。ビューポート上部のコンテンツの上部は 0、ビューポート下部のコンテンツの下部は 1 です。2 行目で、コンテンツとサイドバーの高さの差に比例してサイドバーに余白を追加します。


于 2013-01-11T01:14:39.537 に答える