
void quat_rot(quat_t a, REAL* restrict b){
    // Multiply vector b by quaternion a     //
    REAL cross_temp[3],result[3];





inline void cross_p(__m128d *a, __m128d *b, __m128d *c){
    const __m128d SIGN_NP = _mm_set_pd(0.0, -0.0);

    __m128d l1 = _mm_mul_pd( _mm_unpacklo_pd(a[1], a[1]), b[0] );

    __m128d l2 = _mm_mul_pd( _mm_unpacklo_pd(b[1], b[1]), a[0] );
    __m128d m1 = _mm_sub_pd(l1, l2);
            m1 = _mm_shuffle_pd(m1, m1, 1);
            m1 = _mm_xor_pd(m1, SIGN_NP);

            l1 = _mm_mul_pd( a[0], _mm_shuffle_pd(b[0], b[0], 1) );

    __m128d m2 = _mm_sub_sd(l1, _mm_unpackhi_pd(l1, l1));

    c[0] = m1;
    c[1] = m2;

void quat_rotSSE(quat_t a, REAL* restrict b){
    // Multiply vector b by quaternion a     //

    __m128d axb[2];
    __m128d aa[2];
            aa[0] = _mm_load_pd(a.el+1);
            aa[1] = _mm_load_sd(a.el+3);
    __m128d bb[2];
            bb[0] = _mm_load_pd(b);
            bb[1] = _mm_load_sd(b+2);

    cross_p(aa, bb, axb);

    __m128d w = _mm_set1_pd(a.el[0]);

    axb[0] = _mm_add_pd(axb[0], _mm_mul_pd(w, bb[0]));
    axb[1] = _mm_add_sd(axb[1], _mm_mul_sd(w, bb[1]));

    cross_p(aa, axb, axb);

    _mm_store_pd(b, _mm_add_pd(bb[0], _mm_add_pd(axb[0], axb[0])));
    _mm_store_sd(b+2, _mm_add_pd(bb[1], _mm_add_sd(axb[1], axb[1])));




int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

    REAL a[] __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) = {0.2, 1.3, 2.6};
    quat_t q = {{0.1, 0.7, -0.3, -3.2}};

    REAL sum = 0.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) sum += q.el[i] * q.el[i];
    sum = sqrt(sum);
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) q.el[i] /= sum;

    int N = 1000000000;

    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
        quat_rotSSE(q, a);

    printf("rot = ");
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) printf("%f, ", a[i]);

    return 0;





  • -O1オプションは非常によく似た結果をもたらします。
  • 関数を使用restrictしてみてcross_p、2番目の外積を保持するために__m128dを追加しました。これは、製造されたアセンブリに違いはありませんでした。
  • 私が理解していることから、正規関数用に生成されたアセンブリには、一部を除いてスカラー命令のみが含まれていmovapdます。






2 に答える 2


SSE (and SIMD in general) works really well when you're performing the same operations on a large number of elements, where there's no dependencies between operations. For example, if you had an array of double and needed to do array[i] = (array[i] * K + L)/M + N; for each element then SSE/SIMD would help.

If you're not performing the same operations on a large number of elements, then SSE doesn't help. For example, if you had one double and needed to do foo = (foo * K + L)/M + N; then SSE/SIMD isn't going to help.

Basically, SSE is the wrong tool for the job. You need to change the job into something where SSE is the right tool. For example, rather than multiplying one vector by one quaternion; try multiplying an array of 1000 vectors by a quaternion, or perhaps multiplying an array of 1000 vectors by an array of 1000 quaternions.

EDIT: Added everything below here!

Note that this typically means modifying data structures to suit. For example, rather than having an array of structures it's often better to have a structure of arrays.

For a better example, imagine your code uses an array of quaternions, like this:

for(i = 0; i < quaternionCount; i++) {
   cross_temp[i][0] = a[i][2] * b[i][2] - a[i][3] * b[i][1] + a[i][0] * b[i][0];
   cross_temp[i][1] = a[i][3] * b[i][0] - a[i][1] * b[i][2] + a[i][0] * b[i][1];
   cross_temp[i][2] = a[i][1] * b[i][1] - a[i][2] * b[i][0] + a[i][0] * b[i][2];

   b[i][0] = b[i][0] + 2.0 * (a[i][2] * cross_temp[i][2] - a[i][3] * cross_temp[i][1]);
   b[i][1] = b[i][1] + 2.0 * (a[i][3] * cross_temp[i][0] - a[i][1] * cross_temp[i][2]);
   b[i][2] = b[i][2] + 2.0 * (a[i][1] * cross_temp[i][1] - a[i][2] * cross_temp[i][0]);

The first step would be to transform it into a quaternion of arrays, and do this:

for(i = 0; i < quaternionCount; i++) {
   cross_temp[0][i] = a[2][i] * b[2][i] - a[3][i] * b[1][i] + a[0][i] * b[0][i];
   cross_temp[1][i] = a[3][i] * b[0][i] - a[1][i] * b[2][i] + a[0][i] * b[1][i];
   cross_temp[2][i] = a[1][i] * b[1][i] - a[2][i] * b[0][i] + a[0][i] * b[2][i];

   b[0][i] = b[0][i] + 2.0 * (a[2][i] * cross_temp[2][i] - a[3][i] * cross_temp[1][i]);
   b[1][i] = b[1][i] + 2.0 * (a[3][i] * cross_temp[0][i] - a[1][i] * cross_temp[2][i]);
   b[2][i] = b[2][i] + 2.0 * (a[1][i] * cross_temp[1][i] - a[2][i] * cross_temp[0][i]);

Then, because 2 adjacent doubles fit into a single SSE register you want to unroll the loop by 2:

for(i = 0; i < quaternionCount; i += 2) {
   cross_temp[0][i] = a[2][i] * b[2][i] - a[3][i] * b[1][i] + a[0][i] * b[0][i];
   cross_temp[0][i+1] = a[2][i+1] * b[2][i+1] - a[3][i+1] * b[1][i+1] + a[0][i+1] * b[0][i+1];
   cross_temp[1][i] = a[3][i] * b[0][i] - a[1][i] * b[2][i] + a[0][i] * b[1][i];
   cross_temp[1][i+1] = a[3][i+1] * b[0][i+1] - a[1][i+1] * b[2][i+1] + a[0][i+1] * b[1][i+1];
   cross_temp[2][i] = a[1][i] * b[1][i] - a[2][i] * b[0][i] + a[0][i] * b[2][i];
   cross_temp[2][i+1] = a[1][i+1] * b[1][i+1] - a[2][i+1] * b[0][i+1] + a[0][i+1] * b[2][i+1];

   b[0][i] = b[0][i] + 2.0 * (a[2][i] * cross_temp[2][i] - a[3][i] * cross_temp[1][i]);
   b[0][i+1] = b[0][i+1] + 2.0 * (a[2][i+1] * cross_temp[2][i+1] - a[3][i+1] * cross_temp[1][i+1]);
   b[1][i] = b[1][i] + 2.0 * (a[3][i] * cross_temp[0][i] - a[1][i] * cross_temp[2][i]);
   b[1][i+1] = b[1][i+1] + 2.0 * (a[3][i+1] * cross_temp[0][i+1] - a[1][i+1] * cross_temp[2][i+1]);
   b[2][i] = b[2][i] + 2.0 * (a[1][i] * cross_temp[1][i] - a[2][i] * cross_temp[0][i]);
   b[2][i+1] = b[2][i+1] + 2.0 * (a[1][i+1] * cross_temp[1][i+1] - a[2][i+1] * cross_temp[0][i+1]);

Now, you want to break this down into individual operations. For example, the first 2 lines of the inner loop would become:

   cross_temp[0][i] = a[2][i] * b[2][i];
   cross_temp[0][i] -= a[3][i] * b[1][i];
   cross_temp[0][i] += a[0][i] * b[0][i];
   cross_temp[0][i+1] = a[2][i+1] * b[2][i+1];
   cross_temp[0][i+1] -= a[3][i+1] * b[1][i+1];
   cross_temp[0][i+1] += a[0][i+1] * b[0][i+1];

Now re-order that:

   cross_temp[0][i] = a[2][i] * b[2][i];
   cross_temp[0][i+1] = a[2][i+1] * b[2][i+1];

   cross_temp[0][i] -= a[3][i] * b[1][i];
   cross_temp[0][i+1] -= a[3][i+1] * b[1][i+1];

   cross_temp[0][i] += a[0][i] * b[0][i];
   cross_temp[0][i+1] += a[0][i+1] * b[0][i+1];

Once you've done all of this, think about converting to SSE. The first 2 lines of code is one load (that loads both a[2][i] and a[2][i+1] into an SSE register) followed by one multiplication (and not 2 separate loads and 2 separate multiplications). Those 6 lines might become (pseudo-code):

   load SSE_register1 with both a[2][i] and a[2][i+1]
   multiply SSE_register1 with both b[2][i] and b[2][i+1]

   load SSE_register2 with both a[3][i] and a[3][i+1]
   multiply SSE_register2 with both b[1][i] and b[1][i+1]

   load SSE_register2 with both a[0][i] and a[0][i+1]
   multiply SSE_register2 with both b[0][i] and b[0][i+1]

   SE_register1 = SE_register1 - SE_register2
   SE_register1 = SE_register1 + SE_register3

Each line of pseudo-code here is a single SSE instruction/intrinsic; and every SSE instruction/intrinsic is doing 2 operations in parallel.

If every instruction does 2 operations in parallel, then (in theory) it could be up to twice as fast as the original "one operation per instruction" code.

于 2013-01-19T20:58:10.800 に答える


  • 関数をインライン化する必要があります
  • コンパイラがパラメータを数回リロードしないように、restrict仕様を追加する必要がありますcross_p
  • その場合__m128d、2回目の呼び出しの結果を受け取る4番目の変数を導入する必要があります。cross_p


于 2013-01-19T17:12:40.707 に答える