あなたは私のコードを見てテストすることができますが、あなたが見ることができるように - たった100個のアイテムを比較するのに多くの時間がかかります(localhost = Intel Core i7で約160秒)。このコードを最適化しますか?
他の場所からデータを抽出しているため、コードの最初の部分 (データの生成) を最適化する必要はありません。コードの 2 番目の部分 (比較) を最適化するだけです。誰かが気づいたように、スクリプトは重複比較を行わないことで最適化できます (a -> b、b -> a) - 私はこれについて知っていますが、それでも半分以上の時間を節約しようとしています。類似のテキストよりも文字列を比較するためのより良い機能があるかもしれませんが、私は他の何かの経験がありません。それが私がここで尋ねている理由です...
//set how many strings generate for test
$number_of_test_strings = 100;
$strings = array();
$chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
$size_chars_array = strlen( $chars );
* Creating some random strings - data for test
//just for testing performance
$creating_test_data_time_start = microtime();
//create some random strings in to array
for ( $i = 1; $i < $number_of_test_strings; $i++ ) {
//set random string to empty string
$random_string = '';
//choose by random from characters array - also the length of random string will be random - between 1800 and 2500chars
for( $j = 0; $j < rand ( 1800, 2500); $j++ ) {
$random_string .= $chars[ rand( 0, $size_chars_array - 1 ) ];
//insert random string in to strings array
$strings[] = $random_string;
//just for testing performance
$creating_test_data_time_end = microtime();
* Comparison itself
//just for testing performance
$uniqueness_time_start = microtime();
//foreach for all strings in array
foreach ($strings as $key_first_element => $first_element) {
//reset of matched value
$matched = 0;
//foreach with each first element
foreach ($strings as $key_second_element => $second_element) {
// dont compare the same string
if ($key_first_element != $key_second_element) {
//compare those two strings
similar_text($first_element, $second_element, $match);
//add match value to matched
$matched = ($matched + $match);
// create average uniqueness for that string
$uniqueness = ($matched / (count($strings) - 1));
//store it in array
$uniqueness_array[$key_first_element] = $uniqueness;
//sort the array by uniqueness (less match the better)- the best on the beginning
//just for testing performance
$uniqueness_time_end = microtime();
//just output performance info
echo 'Creating of test data: '. (array_sum( explode( ' ' , $creating_test_data_time_end ) ) - array_sum( explode( ' ' , $creating_test_data_time_start ) )) .' s, comparing strings: '. (array_sum( explode( ' ' , $uniqueness_time_end ) ) - array_sum( explode( ' ' , $uniqueness_time_start ) )) .' s<br />';
$i = 0;
foreach ($uniqueness_array as $key_string => $uniquness_of_string)
// output just 10 best results
if ($i < 10) {
echo 'Uniqueness of a string with key '.$key_string.' is '.$uniquness_of_string.'<br />';
else break;
//Expected input array
$input = array(
'Today is a great day for skiing and I dont have enough time',
'Wednesday is a very good day for skiing and snowboarding and I dont have enough time',
'Today is a superior day for skiing and I dont have enough time',
'Completly different string about nothing'
//Expected output array - the order is important - the most different strings at the beginning of the array
$output = array(
'Completly different string about nothing',
'Wednesday is a very good day for skiing and snowboarding and I dont have enough time',
'Today is a superior day for skiing and I dont have enough time',
'Today is a great day for skiing and I dont have enough time'