この Python ソース コードの要点を簡潔にするために、別の方法でコーディングできますか? このプログラムのポイントは、ユーザーの合計金額を取得し、それを送料に追加することです。送料は、国 (カナダまたは米国) と製品の価格によって決まります。カナダで $125.00 の製品の送料は $12.00 です。
input ('Please press "Enter" to begin')
while True: print('これにより、送料と合計金額が計算されます。')
totalAmount = int(float(input('Enter your total amount: ').replace(',', '').replace('$', '')))
Country = str(input('Type "Canada" for Canada and "USA" for USA: '))
usa = "USA"
canada = "Canada"
lessFifty = totalAmount <= 50
fiftyHundred = totalAmount >= 50.01 and totalAmount <= 100
hundredFifty = totalAmount >= 100.01 and totalAmount <= 150
twoHundred = totalAmount
if Country == "USA":
if lessFifty:
print('Your shipping is: $6.00')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount + 6)
elif fiftyHundred:
print('Your shipping is: $8.00')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount + 8)
elif hundredFifty:
print('Your shipping is: $10.00')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount + 10)
elif twoHundred:
print('Your shipping is free!')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount)
if Country == "Canada":
if lessFifty:
print('Your shipping is: $8.00')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount + 8)
elif fiftyHundred:
print('Your shipping is: $10.00')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount + 10)
elif hundredFifty:
print('Your shipping is: $12.00')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount + 12)
elif twoHundred:
print('Your shipping is free!')
print('Your grand total is: $',totalAmount)
endProgram = input ('Do you want to restart the program?')
if endProgram in ('no', 'No', 'NO', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE'):