while (runthread){
c = null;
timestart = System.currentTimeMillis(); //Get time at start of loop for FPS calc
c=mySurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(); //Set c (Canvas) to locked
framesskipped = 0; // resetting frames skipped (as this is about to render to the screen, the frames skipped variable is only incremented when the onDraw() method is skipped, once it's run, reset it back to 0 for the next count
doDraw(c); //Draw game world
updateMenu(); //Update game logic
if (c != null){
mySurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(c); //Unlock and post
//work out timings
timeend = System.currentTimeMillis(); //get end time for current frame (for FPS)
frametime = timeend-timestart; //Set the frametime variable to the time the frame took to render & update (end time - start time)
sleepfor = (int) (30.3030303030303-frametime); // this is the time that the thread will sleep for if <target time (1000/33 = apx. 30FPS
if (sleepfor>0){ // If the 'sleepfor' variable is >0 then set the thread to sleep for it's value (expressed in milliseconds)
try {
MainThread.sleep(sleepfor); //send thread to sleep for value of sleepfor (determined above).
} catch (InterruptedException e) {} //in case of exception
} //close if statement
while (sleepfor<0 && framesskipped<maxframesskipped){ //if sleepfor is < 0 (ie, frame took longer to render than target time and the maxframesskipped has not reached it's limit)
updateMenu(); //Update game logic only
sleepfor+=33; //time to sleep plus the time frame took to render
framesskipped++; //add one to framesskipped variable so this only skips a certain number of frames
ご覧のとおり、30 fpsに制限されているようには見えません。理由はわかりませんが、私の数字は間違っているに違いありません。