消去や継承の有無にかかわらず、これを「簡単に」行うことができます。(編集: 最初のソリューションは多くの C++11 機能を使用します。自動化は少ないが C++03 準拠のソリューションを最後に置きます。)
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/get.hpp>
// Here's how you define your enums, and what they represent:
enum class ParameterId {
is_elephant = 0,
// ...
template<ParameterId> struct ConfigTraits;
// Definition of type of each enum
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::is_elephant> {
using type = bool;
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::caloric_intake> {
using type = double;
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::legs> {
using type = int;
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::name> {
using type = std::string;
// ...
// Here's the stuff that makes it work.
class Parameters {
// Quick and dirty uniquifier, just to show that it's possible
template<typename...T> struct TypeList {
using variant = boost::variant<T...>;
template<typename TL, typename T> struct TypeListHas;
template<typename Head, typename...Rest, typename T>
struct TypeListHas<TypeList<Head, Rest...>, T>
: TypeListHas<TypeList<Rest...>, T> {
template<typename Head, typename...Rest>
struct TypeListHas<TypeList<Head, Rest...>, Head> {
static const bool value = true;
template<typename T> struct TypeListHas<TypeList<>, T> {
static const bool value = false;
template<typename TL, typename T, bool B> struct TypeListMaybeAdd;
template<typename TL, typename T> struct TypeListMaybeAdd<TL, T, false> {
using type = TL;
template<typename...Ts, typename T>
struct TypeListMaybeAdd<TypeList<Ts...>, T, true> {
using type = TypeList<Ts..., T>;
template<typename TL, typename T> struct TypeListAdd
: TypeListMaybeAdd<TL, T, !TypeListHas<TL, T>::value> {
template<typename TL, int I> struct CollectTypes
: CollectTypes<typename TypeListAdd<TL,
typename ConfigTraits<ParameterId(I)>::type
>::type, I - 1> {
template<typename TL> struct CollectTypes<TL, 0> {
using type = typename TypeListAdd<TL,
typename ConfigTraits<ParameterId(0)>::type
using value_type =
typename CollectTypes<TypeList<>, int(ParameterId::count_) - 1>::type;
template<ParameterId pid>
using param_type = typename ConfigTraits<pid>::type;
// It would be better to not initialize all the values twice, but this
// was easier.
Parameters() : values_(size_t(ParameterId::count_)) {
clear(std::integral_constant<int, int(ParameterId::count_) - 1>());
// getter for when you know the id at compile time. Should have better
// error checking.
template<ParameterId pid>
typename ConfigTraits<pid>::type get() {
// The following will segfault if the value has the wrong type.
return *boost::get<typename ConfigTraits<pid>::type>(&values_[int(pid)]);
// setter when you know the id at compile time
template<ParameterId pid>
void set(typename ConfigTraits<pid>::type new_val) {
values_[int(pid)] = new_val;
// getter for an id known only at runtime; returns a boost::variant;
value_type get(ParameterId pid) {
return values_[int(pid)];
// Initialize parameters to default values of the correct type
template<int I> void clear(std::integral_constant<int, I>) {
values_[I] = param_type<ParameterId(I)>();
clear(std::integral_constant<int, I - 1>());
void clear(std::integral_constant<int, 0>) {
values_[0] = param_type<ParameterId(0)>();
std::vector<value_type> values_;
// And finally, a little test
#include <iostream>
int main() {
Parameters parms;
std::cout << ('(' + parms.get<ParameterId::name>() + ')')<< ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::is_elephant>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::caloric_intake>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::legs>() << std::endl;
std::cout << ('(' + parms.get<ParameterId::name>() + ')')<< ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::is_elephant>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::caloric_intake>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::legs>() << std::endl;
return 0;
C++11 をまだ使用できない人のために、クラス以外の列挙型を使用しboost::variant
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/get.hpp>
// Here's how you define your enums, and what they represent:
struct ParameterId {
enum Id {
is_elephant = 0,
// ...
template<int> struct ConfigTraits;
// Definition of type of each enum
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::is_elephant> {
typedef bool type;
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::caloric_intake> {
typedef double type;
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::legs> {
typedef int type;
template<> struct ConfigTraits<ParameterId::name> {
typedef std::string type;
// ...
// Here's the stuff that makes it work.
// C++03 doesn't have integral_constant, so we need to roll our own:
template<int I> struct IntegralConstant { static const int value = I; };
template<typename VARIANT>
class Parameters {
typedef VARIANT value_type;
// It would be better to not initialize all the values twice, but this
// was easier.
Parameters() : values_(size_t(ParameterId::count_)) {
clear(IntegralConstant<int(ParameterId::count_) - 1>());
// getter for when you know the id at compile time. Should have better
// error checking.
template<ParameterId::Id pid>
typename ConfigTraits<pid>::type get() {
// The following will segfault if the value has the wrong type.
return *boost::get<typename ConfigTraits<pid>::type>(&values_[int(pid)]);
// setter when you know the id at compile time
template<ParameterId::Id pid>
void set(typename ConfigTraits<pid>::type new_val) {
values_[int(pid)] = new_val;
// getter for an id known only at runtime; returns a boost::variant;
value_type get(ParameterId::Id pid) {
return values_[int(pid)];
// Initialize parameters to default values of the correct type
template<int I> void clear(IntegralConstant<I>) {
values_[I] = typename ConfigTraits<I>::type();
clear(IntegralConstant<I - 1>());
void clear(IntegralConstant<0>) {
values_[0] = typename ConfigTraits<0>::type();
std::vector<value_type> values_;
// And finally, a little test
#include <iostream>
int main() {
Parameters<boost::variant<bool, int, double, std::string> > parms;
std::cout << ('(' + parms.get<ParameterId::name>() + ')')<< ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::is_elephant>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::caloric_intake>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::legs>() << std::endl;
std::cout << ('(' + parms.get<ParameterId::name>() + ')')<< ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::is_elephant>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::caloric_intake>() << ' '
<< parms.get<ParameterId::legs>() << std::endl;
return 0;