#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
//declare variables
int usedWater = 0;
int prevReading = 0;
int currReading = 0;
const double WATER_RATE = .007;
const double MIN_CHARGES = 16.67;
double totalCharges = 0.0;
cout <<"enter the current reading: ";
cin >> currReading;
cout <<"enter the previous reading: ";
cin >> prevReading;
usedWater = currReading - prevReading;
totalCharges = usedWater * WATER_RATE;
if(totalCharges < MIN_CHARGES)
totalCharges = MIN_CHARGES << endl;
cout << "total charges: " << MIN_CHARGES;
cout << "Total Charges : " << totalCharges;
cout << "total Charges : " << totalCharges;
cout << "Used Water : " << usedWater;
system ("pause");
return 0;
36行目でエラーが発生しています。this: (totalCharges = MIN_CHARGES << endl;)