IPC 手法の選択は、実装しようとしているアプリケーションによって異なります。以下は、パフォーマンスに基づいた適切な比較です。
IPC name Latency Throughput Description
Signal Low n/a Can be used only for notification, traditionally-
to push process to change its state
Socket Moderate Moderate Only one mechanism which works for remote nodes,
not very fast but universal
D-Bus High High A high-level protocol that increases latency and
reduces throughput compared to when using base
sockets, gains in increased ease of use
Shared n/a High Data saved in-between process runs(due to swapping
memory access time) can have non-constant access latency
Mapped files n/a High Data can be saved in-between device boots
Message Low Moderate Data saved in-between process runs. The message
queue size is limited but there is less overhead
to handle messages
Unix/Linux IPC の比較