SharePoint 2007サーバー上のフォルダーをバックアップし、その場所にファイルの新しいコピーを配置するVB.netアプリケーションを作成しました。このアプリケーションは私のWindows7コンピューターで完全に機能しますが、同僚がWindows XPコンピューターで実行すると、多くのエラーが発生します。私はそれらを解決するかもしれないので試してみてください、私はただできません。
Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click
' Dim all variables
Dim i, countfiles As Integer
Dim CompletedReports As New DirectoryInfo(GlobalVariables.ServerURL)
Dim dNow As Date = Date.Today
Dim friday As Date
Dim friD, friM, friY, archiveFolder, archiveURL As String
Dim FreshReports As New DirectoryInfo(GlobalVariables.ServerURL + "\Report Archive\Templates\")
' Prevent form from being closed while running
btnDone.Enabled = False
btnGo.Enabled = False
btnRunSetup.Enabled = False
' Calculate the archive date
friday = dNow.AddDays(-(CInt((dNow.DayOfWeek + 1) Mod 7) + 1))
friD = friday.Day
friM = friday.Month
friY = friday.Year
If Len(friD) < 2 Then
friD = "0" + friD
End If
If Len(friM) < 2 Then
friM = "0" + friM
End If
archiveFolder = friY + "-" + friM + "-" + friD
archiveURL = GlobalVariables.ServerURL + "\Report Archive\" + archiveFolder
' Count number of files in the current folder
RecursiveCount(CompletedReports, i)
' Do the SharePoint Archive to the "Report Archive" folder
countfiles = i
PB_SharePointArchive.Maximum = i
PB_SharePointArchive.Step = 1
CopyDirectory(GlobalVariables.ServerURL, archiveURL, PB_SharePointArchive, LB_SharePointArchive_Name, False)
LB_SharePointArchive_Name.Text = "Done!"
' If specified, do the Server Backup
If GlobalVariables.RemoteBackup = True Then
i = countfiles
PB_RemoteBackup.Maximum = i
PB_RemoteBackup.Step = 1
CopyDirectory(GlobalVariables.ServerURL, GlobalVariables.RemotePath + archiveFolder, PB_RemoteBackup, LB_RemoteBackup_Name, False)
LB_RemoteBackup_Name.Text = "Done!"
End If
' If specified, do the Local Backup
If GlobalVariables.LocalBackup = True Then
i = countfiles
PB_LocalBackup.Maximum = i
PB_LocalBackup.Step = 1
CopyDirectory(GlobalVariables.ServerURL, GlobalVariables.LocalPath + archiveFolder, PB_LocalBackup, LB_LocalBackup_Name, False)
LB_LocalBackup_Name.Text = "Done!"
End If
' Refresh the Reports
i = 0
RecursiveCount(FreshReports, i)
PB_SharePointRefresh.Maximum = i
PB_SharePointRefresh.Step = 1
CopyDirectory(GlobalVariables.ServerURL + "\Report Archive\Templates\", GlobalVariables.ServerURL, PB_SharePointRefresh, LB_SharePointRefresh_Name, True)
LB_SharePointRefresh_Name.Text = "Done!"
' All tasks done - unlock the close function
btnDone.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub CopyDirectory(ByVal sourceDir As String, ByVal destDir As String, ByRef progBar As ProgressBar, ByRef statusBox As Label, ByVal overwrite As Boolean)
Dim prompt, retry
If Not Directory.Exists(destDir) Then
ElseIf Directory.Exists(destDir) And overwrite = False Then
'MsgBox("The directory already exists!" + vbCrLf + "It looks like the backup has already been done for this week." + vbCrLf + "To continue, please delete the previous backup and restart the process", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "TSO Report Refresh")
prompt = MsgBox("The directory already exists!" + vbCrLf + "It looks like the backup has already been done for this week." + vbCrLf + "Do you wish to delete the previous backup?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "TSO Report Refresh")
If prompt = vbYes Then
MsgBox("You have chosen not to delete the previous backup. Backup cannot continue." + vbCrLf + "To continue, please delete the previous backup and restart the process", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "TSO Report Refresh")
End If
End If
For Each strEntry As String In Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir)
Dim fileNew As FileInfo
fileNew = New FileInfo(strEntry)
If fileNew.Exists Then
retry = 3
statusBox.Text = "Current File: " + fileNew.Name
While retry > 0
fileNew.CopyTo(destDir & "\" & fileNew.Name, True)
retry = 0
Catch ex As Exception
retry = retry - 1
If retry = 0 Then
MsgBox("A file has failed to copy after three attempts. The application will now close." + vbCrLf + fileNew.Name, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "TSO Report Refresh")
End If
'Debug.Print("Retrying file " + fileNew.Name + " for the " + (3 - retry) + " time...")
End Try
End While
End If
For Each strEntry As String In Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir)
If Path.GetFileName(strEntry) = "Report Archive" Or Path.GetFileName(strEntry) = "Forms" Then
'Do Nothing!
Dim strDest As String = Path.Combine(destDir, Path.GetFileName(strEntry))
CopyDirectory(strEntry, strDest, progBar, statusBox, overwrite)
End If
End Sub