select '00/00/0000' as payment_date , h1.customer_no
from payments h1
where not exists ( select 1 from payments h2 where h2.customer_no = h1.customer_no and h2.ctype = 'CASH' )
and h1.customer_no = 400
group by h1.customer_no
select to_char(h1.payment_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') , h1.customer_no
from payments h1 inner join ( select customer_no, max(payment_date ) as max_date from payments where ctype = 'CASH' group by customer_no ) subQ
on ( h1.customer_no = subQ.customer_no
and h1.payment_date = subQ.max_date )
and h1.customer_no = 400
group by h1.payment_date, h1.customer_no
select * from (
select '00/00/0000' as payment_date , h1.customer_no
from payments h1
where not exists ( select 1 from payments h2 where h2.customer_no = h1.customer_no and h2.ctype = 'CASH' )
and h1.customer_no = p.customer_no
group by h1.customer_no
select to_char(h1.payment_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') , h1.customer_no
from payments h1 inner join ( select customer_no, max(payment_date ) as max_date from payments where ctype = 'CASH' group by customer_no ) subQ
on ( h1.customer_no = subQ.customer_no
and h1.payment_date = subQ.max_date )
and h1.customer_no = p.customer_no
group by h1.payment_date, h1.customer_no ) sq,
payments p
where p.customer_no = 400
and sq.customer_no = p.customer_no
これを実行すると、ORA-00904: "P"."CUSTOMER_NO": 無効な識別子が表示されます。h1.customer_no を外部クエリ customer_no に結合する必要があります。