アルゴリズムをコーディングして動作しましたが、コンパイルの直後に開始するのに少なくとも 20 秒かかることに気付きました (これは、2 番目、3 番目、またはその他の時間に開始した場合には発生しません)。
// struct used in the function
struct Polygon
int ** points;
int vertices;
// inside, outside and over are the number of polygons that are inside, outside or intersect the rectangle,
// they're initialized to 0 in the main.
// down_side, up_side are the y_coordinate of the two horizontals sides.
// left_side, right_side are the x_coordinate of the two vertical sides.
void checkPolygons( Polygon * polygon, int & inside, int & outside, int & over, unsigned int polygons, const unsigned int down_side, const unsigned int up_side, const unsigned int left_side, const unsigned int right_side )
for ( unsigned int pol = 0; pol < polygons; ++pol )
unsigned int insideVertices = 0;
unsigned int vertices = polygon[ pol ].vertices;
for ( unsigned int point = 0; point < vertices; ++point )
unsigned int x_coordinate = polygon[ pol ].points[ point ][ 0 ];
unsigned int y_coordinate = polygon[ pol ].points[ point ][ 1 ];
if ( ( x_coordinate <= right_side ) and ( x_coordinate >= left_side ) and ( y_coordinate <= up_side ) and ( y_coordinate >= down_side ) )
if ( insideVertices == 0 )
else if ( insideVertices == vertices )