JQuery で戻りオブジェクトを読む 4 分前|LINK
GenericList オブジェクトを返す wcf サービスを作成しました。Jquery を使用してクライアント側でそのオブジェクトを読み取る必要がありますが、動作させることができます。
[WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public CommentList GetComments()
Comments oComment1 = new Comments();
oComment1.Title = "AMaking hay when the sun shines";
oComment1.Author = "Plan_A";
oComment1.CommentText = "AI like hay almost as much as I like sun. Just joking";
Comments oComment2 = new Comments();
oComment2.Title = "Making hay when the sun shines";
oComment2.Author = "Plan_B";
oComment2.CommentText = "I like hay almost as much as I like sun. Just joking";
CommentList oCommentList = new CommentList();
return oCommentList;
クライアント側の Jquery スクリプト:
$('#CommentsButton').click(function () {
$.getJSON('http://localhost:55679/RESTService.svc/GetComments?callback=?', function (data) {
私が得ている応答(Inspect要素 - Chromeツールを介して)
jsonp1363710839478({"Comment":[{"Author":"Plan_A","CommentText":"AI like hay almost as much as I like sun. Just joking","Title":"AMaking hay when the sun shines"},{"Author":"Plan_B","CommentText":"I like hay almost as much as I like sun. Just joking","Title":"Making hay when the sun shines"}]});