JTextField stockNo = new JTextField(7);
JTextField quantity = new JTextField(7);
TextArea information = new TextArea(5, 50);
JButton purchaseBtn = new JButton("Purchase");
//set up gui ect
String key = stockNo.getText();
String quantityTxt = quantity.getText();
String info = "\n\nName: " + StockData.getName(key) +
"\nPrice: £" + (StockData.getPrice(key)) +
"\nNumber in stock: " + StockData.getQuantity(key) +
"\nNumber to buy: " + quantityTxt;
ユーザーが purchaseBtn をクリックすると、その前の情報がそのまま残るはずです。.append
//in text area
Name: shirt //user inputed 1 for key
Price: £5.00
Number in stock: 15
Number to buy 7 // user inputed 7 for quantity
Name: socks //user inputed 2 for key
Price: £2.50
Number in stock: 4
Number to buy 1 // user inputed 7 for quantity
Name: trouser //user inputed 3 for key
Price: £24.00
Number in stock: 19
Number to buy 4 // user inputed 7 for quantity
各行のキーと数量を保存するためにそれを取得する必要があるため、後でそれを使用して、次のように言うことができますint totalcost = //the price of all of them added together in our example £31.50